The Redwood Voicecast: Revolutionary or Just Plain Cool?

Some of you may have bore witness to the glorious uprising of Redwood Voice’s newest, radical (in the 90s way), totally tubular (there’s no other meaning for that one) project to come out of this newest iteration of Redwood Voice: the Redwood Voicecast.

What’s the Redwood Voicecast, you may ask? Well, what isn’t the Redwood Voicecast? In some sense, that’s not even a rhetorical question.

The serious answer: I wanted us to connect to the community. Too often our work has been straight edge, pointy corner journalism without too much personality. (Or at least certainly the past news work we’ve been doing, but in some ways that’s starting to change with the new production value of the News New newscast we’ve seen at the beginning of this month.) The Redwood Voicecast is an uncut version of your beloved Redwood Voice team – at this point, Avi Critz, and, yours truly, the one and only Persephone Corvid Rose – to simply tell you what we’re doing at a given moment. We zoom through so many projects at a time, need so much community input, and quite simply do so much that a Facebook post or a tweet just don’t cut it. We wanna connect with you, tell you what’s up, even work with you!

So the Redwood Voicecast? It’s many things. It’s cool, it’s funny, it’s emotional, it’s sometimes even trying, but it’s ours, and it’s whatever we need it to be. It’s whatever we need it to be to do what we love, to amplify the unheard voices in our community, and to connect with you in all that we do.

So, why not give ’em a listen? Below are the first two episodes, and in the future there will be individual articles written for Redwood Voicecast episodes!