The Redwood Voicecast #3: Beanwater Bone Bracelets & Improv

We’re a little tired in this one, but it picks up pretty quickly! Persephone gives themself and Avi a challenge, to give Redwood Voicecast a new radio promo while also balancing their busy work schedules. The crew talks about the previous News Now newscast and the one coming up, so you get all the juicy behind-the-scenes on the stories (from the lens of last week.) Conversations lead a bit into things we miss, but also things we like—the Food Forest, for instance. We hope they’re doing well, and Persephone recounts a wonderful one-on-one class they recorded for a project for some folks at the station. We also talk about why it’s important to support the Saturday Farmer’s Market, our experience with it, and some of the things going on. All of this and more in the third ever production of the Redwood Voicecast, a podcast where we talk about the latest and greatest happenings behind the scenes of Redwood Voice. Join us!