Tag Archives: supported living

The State of Support Services in Del Norte County is Lacking

Update at 2/24/25 4:00PM: This article has been edited to differentiate between In Home Supportive Services and the Redwood Coast Regional Center, which are two separate entities.

For Kenna Gavin, area director of the Special Olympics for Del Norte County, answers to IHSS-related questions are hard to come by. She said she’s had to fight for the bare minimum. 

“They want you to give up, sadly a lot of [the clients] do.” Gavin told Redwood Voice.  In order to access IHSS there is “a book of paperwork that you have to get just right, or you’ll be denied care.”

Gavin has been seeking In Home Supportive Services, or IHSS care, for her daughter Skyler,  since she was very young. Skyler, 24, has Down syndrome. 

The first time Gavin tried, the paperwork was too much and she gave up. Now that her daughter is an adult, in order for Gavin to retain conservatorship, they have had to seek the services of both the Redwood Coast Regional Center and IHSS. 

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