Tag Archives: in media res

“Deshelve Sabra” — Marching with Protesters on Wildberries & College Creek Marketplaces

The flier for the protest | Credit Unknown

“It’s important to remember that there’s no such thing as empires that last forever,” one protester, Ryan, declared before an assembled crowd.

Over 30 people by my count gathered at the Arcata Plaza on Oct. 4th at around 4:30 PM. They stood around one protester holding a Palestinian flag and two others carrying a large banner, reading: “Boycott Sabra Genocide Hummus.” Stragglers made their way from every side of the Plaza and a small marching band began to set up with instruments. Two protesters brought their own drums, another hand bells, to join in the making of noise.

Ryan — addressing the crowd with no bullhorn nor microphone, and who would later describe himself as “not some kind of grand leader, [just] some guy that felt strongly that this should happen,” — continued to address the growing crowd. “It’s a time where many of us feel powerless with the intensified Israeli assault on Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. But it’s important to remember that we can look back into our history, and we can look at tactics that have historically worked.”

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In Media Res

It’s still dark out. The sun isn’t due up for an hour yet, but I’m already sitting in my front window watching Elk Valley Road slowly awaken. The occasional logging truck screams by in the growing light, bypassing Crescent City on the way down the hill from last year’s fire scars. In the trees all around the house – it’s called The Swamp – there are dozens, maybe hundreds of people stirring. Soon, the long slog to the recycling center or the showers at Open Door or whatever will begin. Across the street, a lone bachelor elk pauses beside the nursery, eyeing the fulgid, fertilized bounty just beyond the chain link. It looks like any other day just about to begin in the Heart of the Meth District. But I know the truth: Today, everything changes.

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