Tag Archives: fourth of july

4th of July Retrospective: South Beach Mortar Misfire, Chaos, & Our First Pride Float

Listen to the full audio version of this report, as taken from the Redwood Voice Community Newscast—or read it below! Thumbnail courtesy of Cory AG via Facebook, as a screenshot from a video taken at the time of the incident.

Forbes described Independence Day as the 3rd most dangerous holiday in the United States. This year has lived up to that reputation, with many incidents occurring throughout the night. The largest event was the explosion on South Beach at approximately 11PM, which injured 14 people and left a 3 year old in critical condition, according to a post in the Del Norte and Curry County Scanner Feed Facebook group. The 3 year old has a crowdfunding campaign on his family’s behalf which has steadily gained support since the incident. Redwood Voice’s Monique Camarena was nearby and described the scene.

So you were at the Chart Room last night?

Yes, me and my brother wanted to try watching the fireworks from a new location. We’ve been going to Beachfront Park for years and years and we just wanted to try something different. But man, that was a mistake. Two big booms. While we were waiting for all the cars to leave, one lady walking her dog came by and told us what happened. Something. There was like a “ffsheeew-boom!” And I was thinking, oh, I hope no one got hurt, but people got hurt.

Video of the incident courtesy of Mikaela Mather.

This incident did not have any relation to the City’s official fireworks show, and according to the social media post, there were several fights that broke out immediately following the incident. This incident was classed as a Mass Casualty Incident, meaning they did not have enough units available to treat the injured, so they were designated with colors and sent to Sutter Coast Hospital depending on the priority of their designated color, according to the Facebook post.

Image of the incident taken by Izaac Herrera.

In addition to the explosion, there were several other dangerous situations developing last night, including a fight with a cook at the Apple Peddler, a potential overdose, a potential burglary, a fight breaking out near the boxing ring on South Beach, and a dumpster fire. Currently there is no official confirmation from the Del Norte Sheriff’s Office, Redwood Voice reached out but their offices are currently overloaded with last night’s event.

Earlier in the day during the parade, Crescent City had its first LGBTQ float, and while the reception was largely positive, there were some outliers who were very vocal about their displeasure. Redwood Voice spoke with Amanda Dockter, who was one of the 3 people involved with the LGBTQ float this year.

What was the reception like this year?

It was a mixed bag. You know, there were some people there who were very happy to see us, and some people there who… were doing their best to, “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all,” and give you funny looks. And unfortunately, there were a handful of individuals scattered throughout the parade route who had some not very nice things to say.

Whenever you’re ready.

Some individuals there started shouting expletives and things about sex acts against gay people and it was… kind of embarrassing for them. There were a lot of children present, as some of these individuals were shouting things back at us and the Pride float. I had to ask them, “Can we make a kinder choice? The kids are watching us right now,” and they continued yelling, things about “freedom of speech.” But it was kind of sad to watch these old men having their meltdowns but ultimately, when I walked away from that the kids were all for it – they were cheering, they were giving high fives, one even gave me a piece of candy. Overall the greater expressions of joy and gratitude from people we saw along the parade route really drowned out the expressions of hatred and ignorance we heard there yesterday.

Amanda Dockter (center in both) standing next to Del Norte County’s first LGBTQ Pride Float. Photographer unknown.

This year can’t be said to have been all bad, as the annual 5th of July beach cleanup is still on track for this year. Let’s let this year be a reminder to exercise caution around fireworks, and to spread compassion to one another. We will keep you updated as this story unfolds.

This report was written and recorded by Redwood Voice Reporter Sebastian Monroe for the Redwood Voice Community Newscast. Article edited and interviews transcribed by Reporter Persephone Rose.

*¹ This post was edited on July 6th, 2024 to appropriately reflect the number of injured during the South Beach explosion.