Tag Archives: del norte county news

SitelogIQ’s Microgrid Proposal Endorsed – Redwood Voice Community News

January 30th, 2025 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; information on Elk Valley roadwork; the Crescent City Harbor Commission view buyer presentations for operating hoists on Citizen’s Dock; the California Department of Fish and Wildlife announces a new sport fishing data platform; the Harbor Commission continue to discuss hoist operations and concerns; the US Forest Service is holding public meetings on the proposed changes to the Northwest Forest Plan; and the Board of Commissioners approves a letter of agreement with SiteLogIQ for their microgrid project. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and kfugradio.org every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of Redwood Voice Reporter Gavin Van Alstine, which has been edited.

Del Norte Supervisors Endorse SitelogIQ’s Microgrid Proposal, Feasibility Still To Be Determined

Thumbnail: SitelogIQ laid out two proposed microgrid projects to supervisors back in September. | Screenshot.; Above: Pacific Power brought in large generators to restore power to Del Norte County during the Smith River Complex wildfires in August 2023. | Photo courtesy of Valerie Starkey

Four Del Norte County supervisors endorsed a plan to connect county facilities, including the sheriff’s office and jail, to community solar generation and microgrid projects that could provide backup electricity during emergencies.

But with SitelogIQ in early conversations with the utility serving Del Norte residents and other local potential partners, District 4 Supervisor Joey Borges was skeptical. He said he doubted that Pacific Power would be “OK with our microgrid running through their lines” during a major catastrophe.

“If they’re shutting down [electricity] for a safety reason, it’s going to be shut down, period,” Borges told Redwood Voice Community News on Tuesday after voting against a letter of agreement with SitelogIQ, the national energy efficiency provider spearheading local microgrid and solar projects.

Continue reading Del Norte Supervisors Endorse SitelogIQ’s Microgrid Proposal, Feasibility Still To Be Determined

Starkey, Howard Will Represent Del Norte at NACo Conference In July; Supes Set Cannabis Tax Rates

Thumbnail photo by Paul Critz

Among the items discussed at Tuesday’s Del Norte County Board of Supervisors meeting:

NACo Conference: District 2 Supervisor Valerie Starkey will go to Philadelphia in July as one of two Del Norte County representatives at the National Association of Counties annual legislative conference.

Starkey’s District 3 colleague, Chris Howard, will also attend the conference, which will be held July 11-14. The full Board unanimously approved the use of budgeted county travel dollars for the trip, though an estimated cost for attending the conference wasn’t included on the meeting agenda.

Continue reading Starkey, Howard Will Represent Del Norte at NACo Conference In July; Supes Set Cannabis Tax Rates

Whaler’s Groin Loses Out on FEMA Dollars – Redwood Voice Community News

January 27th, 2025 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; information on Elk Valley roadwork; FEMA dollars for Whaler’s Groin fall through; Curry County Commissioners file a declaratory judgement suit against their sheriff; last week the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation hosted the ribbon cutting for their new Regional Tribal Justice Center; fish related facts and figures from Kenny Priest of Fishing the North Coast; the potential for medication assisted treatment programs in Curry County remain in the air; with high winds forecast, the Oregon Department Of Forestry recommends double checking burn sites are completely extinguished; Southern Oregon firefighters return home after assisting in the fires in SoCal; and Brookings resident Katrina Thompson-Upton is chosen to be a Community Storyteller Fellow. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and kfugradio.org every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of the Mountain Project, which has been edited.

The New Tolowa Dee-ni’ Regional Tribal Justice Center – Redwood Voice Community News

January 24th, 2025 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: Caltrans District 1 Update; information on traffic delays on Elk Valley Road; the Harbor District loses out on disaster grant money for the Whaler’s Island groin reconstruction; the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation opens a new Regional Tribal Justice Center; the update on Del Norte High School sports; medication assisted treatment programs come to Curry County Jail; with the local CSEA chapter not ratifying their contract, DNUSD and the teachers union reopen negotiations; CDFW announces 15 salmon and steelhead watershed projects that will receive funding; students in Happy Camp make blankets for victims of the fires down South; some of the items discussed at the Josephine County Board of Commissioners meeting; and cuts to Medi-Cal are expected to affect rural Californians the most. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and kfugradio.org! every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation, which has been edited.

Funding Fish Protection & Restoration – Redwood Voice Community News

January 23rd, 2025 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; information on traffic delays on Elk Valley Road; Community System Solutions hold a workshop/tour of the Crescent City Harbor; with the local CSEA chapter not ratifying their contract, DNUSD and the teachers union reopen negotiations; more Oregon firefighters are sent down to support California’s Firefighting efforts; CDFW announces 15 salmon and steelhead watershed projects that will receive funding; students in Happy Camp make blankets for victims of the fires down South; Providence and the union of over 5,000 nurses striking return to the bargaining table once again; some of the items discussed at the Josephine County Board of Commissioners meeting; and cuts to Medi-Cal are expected to affect rural Californians the most. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and kfugradio.org! every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of NOAA Fisheries, which has been edited.

More Oregon Firefighters Sent to Aid SoCal – Redwood Voice Community News

January 22nd, 2025 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; information on traffic delays on Elk Valley Road; Crescent City Harbor gives a workshop tour to investors and the public; an overview of the People’s March; more Oregon firefighters get sent to aid with SoCal fires; industrial pollutants were possibly the cause of snow in Medford on Monday; the Oregon Nurses Association continue their strike; and Proposition 12 may be repealed by the upcoming Farm Bill. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and kfugradio.org! every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of Flickr, via the Curry Coastal Pilot’s article, which has been edited.

Supes Transfer $1 Million in CalPERS to PARS – Redwood Voice Community News

January 20th, 2025 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; information on upcoming Elk Valley traffic delays; Del Norte supervisors discussed the current speed limit through Gasquet and Hiouchi; nautical news from Kenny Priest of Fishing the North Coast; this last month multiple threats have sent Del Norte Schools into lockdown; the Coquille Tribe will soon be opening their first off-reservation casino in Medford; Del Norte Supervisors approved the transfer of one million dollars from CalPERS to create a trust fund with the private firm PARS; and winter weather leads to several car accidents along 199. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and kfugradio.org! every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of Redwood Voice Reporter Aisling Bludworth, which has been edited.

Del Norte Supes Trade CalPERS Trust For Private Firm; CAO Says County Isn’t Leaving Pension Plan

Thumbnail image by Paul Critz

Del Norte County supervisors backed a proposal to transfer roughly $1 million out of a California Public Employees Retirement System-managed trust to a private firm after a representative assured them that the county wasn’t abandoning the state’s pension program.

Matt Spooner, senior consultant with Public Agencies Retirement Service (PARS), said Del Norte County wasn’t leaving CalPERS’ defined benefits program, which offers pension and other retirement benefits to its employees.

Instead, county officials are seeking to establish a trust fund with PARS that would offer greater flexibility when it comes to paying  its share of those pensions and other retirement benefits, Spooner told supervisors Tuesday.

Continue reading Del Norte Supes Trade CalPERS Trust For Private Firm; CAO Says County Isn’t Leaving Pension Plan

Sewer System Surveys Suspected to Slow Traffic – Redwood Voice Community News

January 17th, 2024 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; upcoming surveys of the county’s sewer collection system will cause minor traffic delays; Del Norte County Board of Supervisors hopes to use its legislative platform to lower the speed limit through Hiouchi and Gasquet; the marine update from Fishing the North Coast; state regulations drive away harbor processing in Northern California; Oregon approves the state’s first off-reservation casino to the dismay of many tribes; Oregon State Laws you ought to know about; and watch out for icy roads in Josephine County. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and kfugradio.org! every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of Mahmoud Yahyaoui via Pexels, which has been edited.