
Tune in to our local youth radio shows on KFUG 101.1FM! 

KFUG Community Radio located in Crescent City, CA is all about local voices, local faces, local businesses, and local media in Del Norte! Along with KFUG’s mission and their overwhelming support for youth voice, this station makes a natural fit for local youth radio shows. Featuring local guests, lots of energy, plenty of humor, and great music, you’ll have a blast tuning in. Also, don’t forget to show KFUG some love on Facebook at:

To listen online, visit:

Or click here to listen on TuneIn

The T-Smash Show | Mondays 3:00pm-5:00pm

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During this weekly show, your host, T-Smash, shares on various topics ranging from politics and social issues to movies from a youth perspective, featuring music breaks in between discussions.

Follow him on Facebook at:


Youth Off-Topic | Thursdays 5:00pm-6:00pm

Youth Off-Topic, with Sam Clark, Walker True, and Matt Hamm is a weekly radio show started with the goal of getting youth interested in current events. The group discusses a wide variety of topics, brings in local guests, and plays a great variety of music.
Warning: Discussions often tend to get off-topic.

Click here to follow them on Facebook


Gender Talk | Thursdays 7:00pm-9:00pm

10295932_256848254503125_6493345569524927055_oGender Talk is a community group directed at social justice, pop culture, representation, identity, and all things LGBTQ and Feminist. Through media they break down and discuss societal issues, with the goal to provide “Information, Education, and Support” to the community. Weekly meetings are also held at Coastal Connections Weds 4-5PM

Follow them on Facebook at:
nstagram & Twitter: @GenderTalkCC

Telling the untold stories of Del Norte and Tribal Lands through amplified youth voices.