The Smiling Man (TLF’s Cryptid of the Day)

Welcome to The Lycaeus Frequency’s Cryptid of the Day, a month-long series detailing a cryptid one day at a time for the month of October—by Redwood Voice’s Sebastian Monroe.

Today’s Cryptid is Indrid Cold, also known as the Smiling Man. A relatively human appearance is what you would see immediately upon greeting the Smiling Man, although he lacks ears or a nose, or hair for that matter.

Artists have many takes on the Smiling Man, imploring the urge to explore to explore the uncanny valley—especially that which is so similar to us, yet undoubtedly… wrong. Photo courtesy of DarkUnknownWarrior on the Villains Wiki page for Indrid Cold.

He wears reflective suits and gets his name from the fact that he has smiled at almost everyone he has encountered. As time has gone on, it appears that Indrid Cold has gotten better at integrating into our society, as in more recent reports he has slick-backed hair and a regular suit, looking like a tan, but not dark, human man.

He asked the first person to report an encounter with him several questions. Indrid pointed to Parkersburg, a city in West Virginia. “What do you call that? Over the hill?”

The witness said that we call it a “city.” This conversation continued for approximately 10 minutes, all the while Indrid tried to calm the witness down with statements such as, “We eat and bleed the same as you do,” and, “We wish you only happiness.”

The person is question is one Woodrow Derenberger; above, the original interview with him regarding his experience with the Smiling Man.

Since then there have been many reports in the area and are thought to be related to the Men In Black phenomenon. They supposedly refer to themselves as “Merilgians” (though many other reports suggests he calls himself a Lanulosian from the planet Lanulos in the Galaxy of Genemedes—you know, if that clarification helps.)

This all props up the theory that they are in fact aliens. All I’ve got to say on the matter is that they sound creepy as all-get-out and I’d rather not meet one.

This has been the Lycaeus Frequency’s Cryptid of the Day.

Audio transcribed, alongside images and context, by Persephone Rose. Thumbnail art by Sebastian Monroe.

Spleenwort (TLF’s Cryptid of the Day)

Welcome to The Lycaeus Frequency’s Cryptid of the Day, a month-long series detailing a cryptid one day at a time for the month of October—by Redwood Voice’s Sebastian Monroe.

Today’s Cryptid is the Spleenwort! The Spleenwort is a five to seven inch tall humanoid part of the classification of gnomes. Males and females are nearly identical, it’s only a slight variation in beard length and body shape as an indicator of the difference.

spleenwort - Wiktionary

The legendary spleenwort! Or, at least, the plant variant. The vernacular name for the genus Asplenium, the nickname is actually derived from an old belief, based on the doctrine of signatures, that the fern was useful for ailments of the spleen, due to the spleen-shaped sori on the backs of the fronds (Bill Neal (1992). Gardener’s Latin.) Photo courtesy of Wiktionary.

The gnomes keep their stringy, brown, wheat, or slight-colored hair about shoulder length and unwashed. They are very expressive creatures with jovial yet rough faces and very large eyebrows. They create their clothing from animal hides and furs tied together with belts and bits of leather. They will often go shirtless in the Summers, wearing a grass hat to keep the sun off.

Some things never change! The fashion sense of the gnome survives even the records of the Spleenworts. While very few illustrations seem to exist of the little creatures, you’ve probably seen these beings in plenty-a-yard. Photo courtesy of Costco.

The interesting thing about gnomes is that gnomes cannot see or hear the opposite sex without a four leaf clover. The plant allows communication between the round little creatures so that they might… reproduce. Once a male gnome reaches maturity at around four years old, he searches out a four leaf clover to leave in front of a small hut of his design. He will check on this clover every day until half of it has been eaten, where he will then eat the other half. The two gnomes will then see each other and will fall in love.

Males raise the males and females raise the females seeing as they cannot otherwise *see* each other. They will gather four leaf clovers once per year so that they might all see each other, and after two years of no other showing up to the meeting are assumed dead. The gnome will either move on or live alone. Older gnomes are more likely to take on the solitary lifestyle.

They live up to 30 years in the wild, though no captive studies have been conducted.

This has been the Lycaeus Frequency’s Cryptid of the Day. The information for this Cryptid comes primarily from the book In the Land of Cattawampus by Kristen Nicole Puckett.

Audio transcribed, alongside images and context, by Persephone Rose. Thumbnail art by Sebastian Monroe.

The Fresno Nightcrawler (TLF’s Cryptid of the Day)

Welcome to The Lycaeus Frequency’s Cryptid of the Day, a month-long series detailing a cryptid one day at a time for the month of October—by Redwood Voice’s Sebastian Monroe.

Today’s Cryptid is the Fresno Nightcrawler! These five foot tall little pants men originate in California, with sightings in Fresno and Yosemite National Park. They appear as long, light, slim humanoids with no arms and extremely long legs. I think they look like pairs of pants walking around. It’s suspected that this creature is extraterrestrial or a misidentification of a deer walking on its hind legs.

Trail camera photo capturing a deer standing on its hind legs, a possible explanation for the nightcrawler. Certainly unsettling, but common for deer who lack antlers as an alternate means of defense (those hooves can cause some hurt!) Photo courtesy of u/RhodeIslandRedChick on Reddit.

Either seems pretty spooky to me. The Fresno Nightcrawler phenomenon was originally reported by a man named Jose in – surprise surprise – Fresno, California. He was awoken by his dog barking at something outside, which, when he went to his closed circuit TV system he spotted the creature walking across his lawn. He had his cousin look at it as well as law enforcement, but unfortunately the original footprint of evidence has been lost to… sprinklers.

Fresno, CA, 2007 - Strange glowing creatures with abnormally long legs are  captured on camera. The FRESNO NIGHTCRAWLER appears to be roughly 4 feet  tall and have almost no upper body. Sightings

The original sighting of the Fresno Nightcrawler. Though nothing has come since, this screenshot of the creature has caused the internet to fall in love with the simple creature. Just search and see how much art and marketable plushies have been made of the figure.

Nothing came of the report since, but it is now a Fresno legend and a fun piece of pop culture for the area

This has been the Lycaeus Frequency’s Cryptid of the Day.

Audio transcribed, alongside images and context, by Persephone Rose. Thumbnail art by Sebastian Monroe.

Airdropping New Phone Numbers to the People—Redwood Voice Community News

Redwood Voice Community News – September 30th, 2022 – Complete Audio

SEPTEMBER 30th, 2022—For Redwood Voice Community News from Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: New phone numbers on the way because we’re running out; airdropping threats at Fortuna High; a reporter fights the city of Medford over arrest; and Governor Gavin Newsom passes a new education law to benefit Native Americans. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

Redwood Voice Community News airs every weekday at noon, with a rebroadcast at 5pm. You can listen anywhere in Del Norte County on 101.1 FM, or worldwide streaming on!

Lands & Labors—Redwood Voice Community News

Redwood Voice Community News – September 29th, 2022 – Complete Audio

SEPTEMBER 29th, 2022—For Redwood Voice Community News from Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: For Redwood Voice Community News from Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: Del Norte is invited to talk shop on the Klamath River watershed; the Yurok Tribe gets hands on their ancestral land again; and Newsom backpedals into helping out unions; All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

Redwood Voice Community News airs every weekday at noon, with a rebroadcast at 5pm. You can listen anywhere in Del Norte County on 101.1 FM, or worldwide streaming on!

Budgets & Droughts in the Golden State—Redwood Voice Community News

Redwood Voice Community News – September 28th, 2022 – Complete Audio

SEPTEMBER 28th, 2022—For Redwood Voice Community News from Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: it’s budget season in Humboldt and Del Norte County; The Lake Earl Wildlife Area will receive some much needed input; Newsom strengthens abortion rights in California; and droughts are on the horizon for the Golden State. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

Redwood Voice Community News airs every weekday at noon, with a rebroadcast at 5pm. You can listen anywhere in Del Norte County on 101.1 FM, or worldwide streaming on!

DiRT & GLiTTER Present: “In Our Veins,” Performance & Kayak Adventure Tour

The Redwood Voice crew was pleased to cover a spectacularly unique performance from a local art adventure group, “DiRT & GLiTTER.” Directors, Producers, and Performers Lauren Godla & Madeline Lawder invited artists from all over—as near as the Bay and as far as Vancouver, Canada—for a comedy, dance, and music show… to be attended by kayak!

We were pleased to receive an invitation out of the office and into a pleasant sunny day by the beautiful Smith River, in which an armada of kayaking spectators made their way between classical musical echoed from the rocks, a ukulele-ing comedian, a dance on an isle in the river, a comedian sitting communally with a squad of squeaking rafts, and, to top it off, Lauren and Madeline with their “Two Suns” suspended dance performance! (We originally covered the Behind the Scenes of this dance here:


• A Redwood Voice Youth Media Production
• Produced by Persephone Rose
• Cinematographers: Ethan Caudill-DeRego, Grant Meriwether, Monique Camarena, & Sebastian Monroe
• Drone Operator: Persephone Rose
• Interviewers: Monique Camarena & Grant Meriwether
• Interviewees: Lauren Godla & Madeline Lawder; Tatjana Luce & Elena Patterson
• Music: Courtesy of DiRT & GLiTTER & Performers

—Performer Information—

• Tatjana Luce (Clarinetist)
• Elena Patterson (Cellist)
• Megan Phillips (Comedian, Ukulele Player) (
• Nicole Casado (Dancer)
• Hannah Levy (Jazz Vocalist) (
• Iris Benson (Comedian) (


• Website:
• Facebook:
• Lauren Godla (
• Madeline Lawder (

Building Up The Future & Driving Off The Poor—Redwood Voice Community News

Redwood Voice Community News – September 26th, 2022 – Complete Audio

SEPTEMBER 26th, 2022—For Redwood Voice Community News from Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: Del Norte County’s first Youth Wellness Summit brought resources to our young adults; A homelessness plan for Curry County offers money for them to get outta town; and Governor Newsom signed a bill that will bring more alert to when an Indigenous person goes missing. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

Redwood Voice Community News airs every weekday at noon, with a rebroadcast at 5pm. You can listen anywhere in Del Norte County on 101.1 FM, or worldwide streaming on!

Exiling Big Rigs As Sequoias Burn—Redwood Voice Community News

Redwood Voice Community News – September 16th, 2022 – Complete Audio

SEPTEMBER 16th, 2022—For Redwood Voice Community News from Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: Caltrans fills in potholes and holds up traffic in an especially lengthy traffic report; A Yurok Tribal member is placed in charge of their land once more; Activists attempt to save the sequoias from forest fires; the state sends tourists to the tribal lands to urge visits to California; and California continues to crack down on fossil fuels. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

Redwood Voice Community News airs every weekday at noon, with a rebroadcast at 5pm. You can listen anywhere in Del Norte County on 101.1 FM, or worldwide streaming on!

Horse Tranquilizers & Monkey Pox—Redwood Voice Community News

Redwood Voice Community News – September 15th, 2022 – Complete Audio

SEPTEMBER 15th, 2022—For Redwood Voice Community News from Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: 16 man dogpile over Airbnb at the Supervisor Meeting last night, DNUSD drops pandemic regulations, ketamine for PTSD on the horizon in Eureka, and monkeypox preparedness for California Colleges. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News. We begin with national and international headlines from Democracy Now’s Amy Goodman. 

Telling the untold stories of Del Norte and Tribal Lands through amplified youth voices.