Sea Cruise Takes to the Streets This Weekend

Sunny skies and an open highway are expected to draw more hot rods, low riders, Corvettes, Mustangs and mini trucks — think Datsuns or Nissans — to the coast this weekend.

Now in its 32nd year, Sea Cruise, Del Norte’s classic car extravaganza, is shaping up to be stronger than ever, said Cindy Vosburg, executive director of the Crescent City-Del Norte County Chamber of Commerce.

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Jessica Cejnar Andrews Joins the Team! – Redwood Voice Community News

October 1st, 2024 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; Redwood Voice has gained a valuable new member; the California DMV announces new rules regarding senior drivers; a popular Crescent City store announced their closing; the Coast Guard of Humboldt Bay rescued a 74-year-old from the Brookings area Sunday; the Crescent City Harbor District will have to contend with firework bans and finding a new harbormaster; updates on yesterday’s school bus accidents; the DNUSD discusses reconfiguring four elementary schools; the BOEM announces the pause of offshore auctions regarding lease areas; a Red Flag Warning has been issued due to local gusty winds; an update on fishing conditions from Kenny Priest; and an in depth look at the Pacific Pantry program. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s news card image is courtesy of KFUG Community Radio Coordinator Amanda Dockter, which has been edited.

In Media Res

It’s still dark out. The sun isn’t due up for an hour yet, but I’m already sitting in my front window watching Elk Valley Road slowly awaken. The occasional logging truck screams by in the growing light, bypassing Crescent City on the way down the hill from last year’s fire scars. In the trees all around the house – it’s called The Swamp – there are dozens, maybe hundreds of people stirring. Soon, the long slog to the recycling center or the showers at Open Door or whatever will begin. Across the street, a lone bachelor elk pauses beside the nursery, eyeing the fulgid, fertilized bounty just beyond the chain link. It looks like any other day just about to begin in the Heart of the Meth District. But I know the truth: Today, everything changes.

Continue reading In Media Res

DNUSD Revisits Four Elementary School Restructures – Redwood Voice Community News

September 30th, 2024 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; The DNUSD discusses reconfiguring four elementary schools; The BOEM announces the pause of offshore auctions regarding lease areas; Del Norte Supervisors adopted the final 2024-25 budget at their meeting last week; a Red Flag Warning has been issued due to local gusty winds; an update on fishing conditions from Kenny Priest; and information on the White Sturgeon Fishing Season opening October.. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s news card image is courtesy of KFUG Community Radio Coordinator Amanda Dockter, which has been edited.

Season of the White Sturgeon – Redwood Voice Community News

September 27th, 2024 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; Tribal Offices will be closed for Native American day; this Saturday is the Del Norte Hazardous Waste Event; a report on Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting by Aisling Bludworth; a deeper dive into the Sheriff’s budgeting plan discussed at that meeting by Bryce Evans; a look into the fire on Lake Earl Drive Tuesday by Monique Camerena; the Del Norte Sheriff’s dispatch system gets a complete overhaul; with poop in the water at Mill Beach, Brookings City Councilors discuss a camping ban; Del Norte Supervisors adopted the final 2024-25 budget at their meeting earlier this week; and information on the White Sturgeon Fishing Season opening October. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s news card image is courtesy of the National Maritime Historical Society, which has been edited.

A Fire on Lake Earl Drive – Redwood Voice Community News

September 26th, 2024 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; an update on Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting from Aisling Bludworth; a report on the Del Norte County Sheriff’s budgeting plan by Bryce Evans; Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office will be upgrading their dispatch system; a fatal crash on Highway 101 earlier this week; information on Tuesday’s Lake Earl Drive fire; the weekly update from Superintendent of the Del Norte Unified School District; Brookings Harbor High School’s stadium gets an upgrade; Brookings City Councilors are seeking community input on a proposed camping ban; Oregon Law Enforcement will be issuing more tailgating citations this season; and Mill Beach in Brookings has poop in the water! All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s news card image is courtesy of Redwood Voice Reporter Monique Camarena, which has been edited.

Beyond Waste Salvage Yard/Gabriel Machinery Catches Fire

On Tuesday morning, at around 8:30am, a fire broke out at the location of the Beyond Waste Salvage Yard/Gabriel Machinery, on the 2600 Block of Lake Earl Drive at the north end of Crescent City. 

The fire was started just outside of the building on its southeast side, according to a conversation with Battalion Chief of Crescent City Fire & Rescue Darrin Short.

Continue reading Beyond Waste Salvage Yard/Gabriel Machinery Catches Fire

Board of Supes: Microgrids & Sheriff’s Budget Concerns – Redwood Voice Community News

September 25th, 2024 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; An overview of Tuesday’s Board Of Supervisors meeting from Aisling Bludworth; A report on the Del Norte County Sheriff’s budgeting plan by Bryce Evans; Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office will be upgrading their dispatch system; a fatal crash on Highway 101 earlier this week; the weekly update from Superintendent of the Del Norte Unified School District; The Yurok Indian Housing Authority cut the ribbon on the new Ke-mey-ek’ Place in Eureka; Curry County’s Jail continues to struggle with staffing; Brookings Harbor High School’s stadium gets an upgrade; Oregon Law Enforcement will be issuing more tailgating citations this season; The Whiskey Creek Bridge in O’Brien is scheduled for rehabilitation work; and Mill Beach has poop in the water! All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s news card image is courtesy of Redwood Voice Reporter Aisling Bludworth, which has been edited.

Del Norte County Sheriff Presents Plan to Deal With Deputy Vacancies

Back on the September 10th County Board Of Supervisors meeting, Del Norte County Sheriff Garrett Scott was told to bring a budgeting plan back to the board in 14 days that would detail the Sheriff’s Office staffing changes. During the County Board of Supervisors meeting Tuesday, Sheriff Scott showed this plan to the Board. 

Sheriff Scott gave a PowerPoint presentation that listed off some of the issues the Sheriff’s Office is having when it comes to hiring and retaining, highlighting the hiring process when it comes to getting Deputies, taking months to get someone to the academy and out onto the streets. Sheriff Scott also noted that most people drop out along this process, with only two participants who graduated last time. 

Continue reading Del Norte County Sheriff Presents Plan to Deal With Deputy Vacancies

Del Norte Board of Supervisors Discuss Energy Redundancy

During the Del Norte Board of Supervisors meeting — September 24th, at the Flynn Center in Crescent City — the Board received a presentation on how Del Norte County can implement microgrids to provide sustainability and resilience to our electricity in times of crisis. SitelogIQ’s presentation explained what a microgrid is to the Board as an interconnected, self-sufficient energy system within a clearly defined electrical boundary that can act as a single controllable entity.

Continue reading Del Norte Board of Supervisors Discuss Energy Redundancy

Telling the untold stories of Del Norte and Tribal Lands through amplified youth voices.