Law Enforcement Report ‘Non-Credible’ Threat Concerning Crescent Elk; DNUSD Superintendent Fields Questions About Jan. 7 Lockdown

Thumbnail: DNUSD logo

Hours after two parents confronted the school board over last week’s lockdown, Del Norte County law enforcement investigated another threat they ultimately deemed non-credible.

A report came to the Del Norte County Sheriff’s Office concerning a possible threat of violence at Crescent Elk Middle School, Del Norte Unified School District announced on Facebook at about 9:30 a.m. Friday.

The child that allegedly made the threats had been speaking with a friend from Humboldt County who was concerned enough to notify the Fortuna Police Department, Del Norte County Sheriff Garrett Scott told Redwood Voice Community News.

Continue reading Law Enforcement Report ‘Non-Credible’ Threat Concerning Crescent Elk; DNUSD Superintendent Fields Questions About Jan. 7 Lockdown

Sewer System Surveys Suspected to Slow Traffic – Redwood Voice Community News

January 17th, 2024 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; upcoming surveys of the county’s sewer collection system will cause minor traffic delays; Del Norte County Board of Supervisors hopes to use its legislative platform to lower the speed limit through Hiouchi and Gasquet; the marine update from Fishing the North Coast; state regulations drive away harbor processing in Northern California; Oregon approves the state’s first off-reservation casino to the dismay of many tribes; Oregon State Laws you ought to know about; and watch out for icy roads in Josephine County. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and! every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of Mahmoud Yahyaoui via Pexels, which has been edited.

Activists Organize Local Action For “People’s March”

(Disclosure: this article was written as an editorial piece due to the author’s own personal biases in favor of civil rights, affordable healthcare, empathy, and free appropriate public education.)

While mindlessly scrolling social media sourcing stories for the Redwood Voice Community Newscast, a digital flyer for a Crescent City “People’s March” kept popping up in my feed. Apparently, the data-mining chaos goblins of the Metasphere insisted quite strongly that this post specifically would be of interest to me.  I found myself annoyed, first and foremost, at the way the almighty Facebook algorithm prioritizes delivery of content. My annoyance, however, was quickly replaced with a sense of amusement that the event infographic attempted to recruit and rally potential participants with the bold declaration of “UNITED WE STAND!”

“…do we, really?”  I chuckled to myself.  “ …and for what?”

If you buy into national narratives parroted by political pundits through conglomerated media, you’d believe that we are living in extraordinarily divided times.  

The way I personally see it, we’ve all been through so many “unprecedented” circumstances in recent times, that at this point, it seems as though dissociative apathy has just sort of blanketed our political climate like a creeping fog on our collective consciousness.  Either way, aiming for unity in this era of American sociocultural history seems like a bit of a moonshot.

Continue reading Activists Organize Local Action For “People’s March”

Oregon’s New Laws – Redwood Voice Community News

January 16th, 2024 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; the weekly update from the Superintendent of DNUSD; Del Norte High School Warrior wrestlers placed high in out of town tournaments; Del Norte County District 2 Supervisor loses nomination for Chair of Board of Supervisors; why did all the processing leave Crescent City Harbor; Charter Communications use drones to work on power lines until the 28th; upcoming Oregon laws you’ll want to know; and The IRS announce special rebate credit for those who didn’t receive a COVID stimulus payment. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and! every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of M.O. Stevens via Wikipedia, which has been edited.

What the Heck Happened to KFUG??

As many in the community have noticed, the FM band at 101.1 megahertz is all static, and not the usual mix of static and music that would signal the low-power presence of KFUG Community Radio. What happened? Where did KFUG go? 

There is a certain amount of sorcery involved in the complicated process behind shoving an antenna into the sky and subsequently hearing a voice come out of a paper cone several miles removed. Maybe it’s the panoply of compounding variables that gives broadcasting this numinous quality, but after twenty years of radio-living, I can confidently assert what I have learned: Radio is NOT science. Sure, it incorporates wires and circuit boards and math, but really it’s witchcraft. And just as with Elphaba, this witch’s bane is water.  

Continue reading What the Heck Happened to KFUG??

Supes Add Proposal To Lower Speed Limit Through Gasquet, Hiouchi to Legislative Platform

Thumbnail courtesy of Google Maps

Del Norte County Supervisor Chris Howard hopes a slate of new legislators, and potential support from one of them, will alleviate a problem that’s plagued Hiouchi and Gasquet for years — cars speeding through  at 55-plus mph.

Howard, whose district includes those communities along U.S. 199, asked for his colleagues’ support on Tuesday, pointing out that those safety concerns will persist if change isn’t made at the legislative level.

“Legislation was attempted here two-and-a-half years ago and it failed to give the county a voice into our state highway system and, more importantly, setting up speed [limits],” Howard told his colleagues. “So why not get more specific? Why not focus on a specific area where those public lands are impacted?” 

Continue reading Supes Add Proposal To Lower Speed Limit Through Gasquet, Hiouchi to Legislative Platform

Crescent City, CA People’s March 2025

Recorded 1-15-25 for KFUG Community Radio’s “Community Service” segment: a conversation with Lupe Gutiérrez and Kevin Hendrick, organizers for 2025’s “People’s March.”

The Crescent City, CA event will take place Saturday January 18th 2025. Participants will meet at the Cultural Center on Front Street. Doors open at 10:30 AM, with speakers taking the stage at 11 AM. At 11:30 AM participants are invited to march (on the sidewalks) northbound on Highway 101 before crossing at Cooper street and returning south on Highway 101.

Harbor’s New Code of Conduct for Public Comment – Redwood Voice Community News

January 15th, 2024 – For Redwood Voice Community News, a production of Redwood Voice Youth Media, today’s news: roadwork updates from CalTrans District 1; a weekly update from the Superintendent of DNUSD; Del Norte High School Warrior wrestlers placed high in out of town tournaments; Del Norte County District 2 Supervisor loses nomination for Chair of Board of Supervisors; Crescent City Harbor Commission discuss a code of conduct for public comment; The Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation ask for tribal citizens input on annual TTP funds; Charter Communications use drones to work on power lines until the 28th; the Biden Administration officially sign off two new national monuments in California; the IRS announce special rebate credit for those who didn’t receive a COVID stimulus payment; the Yurok Fire Department aids in ongoing SoCal fires; a report from The Climate Center unearths the truth on “Water’s Edge” tax policy; and nonprofit Trans Can Work expand operations after a near shutdown last year. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

We’re broadcasting on KFUG 101.1FM and! every day at 12PM, with a rebroadcast at 5PM. We’re also airing on KZZH 96.7FM at 6AM, and KCIW 100.7FM at 6PM!

Today’s newscast image is courtesy of KFUG Station Manager Paul Critz, which has been edited.

‘The State Won’t Work With You’; Long-time Shrimper Says Lack of Infrastructure Is Forcing Fleet, Processors Out of California

Thumbnail photo courtesy of the Crescent City Harbor District

Randy Smith says he understands why Pacific Seafood shuttered its facilities in Crescent City and Eureka.

The same regulations the Clackamas, Ore.-based processor gave as its reasoning for abandoning Humboldt and Del Norte counties have also forced Smith and other local fishermen to land their catch elsewhere.

Smith, owner of the Mistasea and member of the Crescent City Commercial Fisherman’s Marketing Association, the California Dungeness Task Force and, up until last year, the Newport, Oregon Board of Shrimp Producers, said he bought a house in Oregon about two years ago because “I’m up there more.” The harbors in California are a place to park a boat and do some repairs, he said, but there’s no infrastructure anymore.

“You can’t blame Pacific Seafood for doing what they did,” said Smith, whose father was one of the first fishermen to work with the company when its CEO opened the Eureka processing facility about 39 years ago. “You don’t know how many pots you’ll get to fish with and you don’t know when you’re going to get to fish…. The state won’t work with you and Fish and Game won’t work with you.”

Continue reading ‘The State Won’t Work With You’; Long-time Shrimper Says Lack of Infrastructure Is Forcing Fleet, Processors Out of California

Starkey Snubbed For Board Chair, Nomination Fails To Get A Second

Though she congratulated her colleague Joey Borges, Valerie Starkey didn’t hide her disappointment at being passed over for chair of the Del Norte County Board of Supervisors.

Starkey, who was sworn into her second term as representative of Del Norte County District 2 earlier this month, was nominated on Tuesday to preside over the Board’s meetings by District 1 Supervisor Darrin Short. That nomination died due to lack of a second.

“I’m only responsible for District 2 and District 2 has supported me and I know where I stand with them,” Starkey told Redwood Voice Community News. “But we go where the need is — we don’t just work in our districts. I have to say that if the supervisors in districts 3, 4 and 5 are not confident in my abilities, then that’s between them and their constituents.”

Continue reading Starkey Snubbed For Board Chair, Nomination Fails To Get A Second

Telling the untold stories of Del Norte and Tribal Lands through amplified youth voices.