Category Archives: Just For Fun

Down the Rabbit Hole of Poland’s Indianist Movement

Last year I took a trip and spent nearly 3 months in Poland. After only a few weeks of staying there, I came to the realization that, despite such a large cultural and geographical gap between my home and the Slavic country, I and many others had much more in common than I first thought. What started out as a cultural exchange between me and the many Poles I met quickly turned into a rabbit hole of information I had never even known existed. A one-off conversation about Native American tribes turned into the realization that there was an entire  movement about them, spanning generations, all the way across the world. Strangely, it all ties back to a 60’s Americana-based trend. . .

Cowboys and Indians – you’ve definitely heard of the concept. It’s a cliche in American pop culture, most pronounced during the heyday of the Western movie. It  sparked a generation of American children’s imaginations, playing as gun-shooting, horseback-riding cowboys fighting Native Americans. However, it wasn’t just American kids during this era that were captivated by this myth. Over 5,000 miles across the world and deep behind the Iron Curtain, Poland —  a Slavic Eastern European country — would play Cowboys and Indians too, except it wouldn’t be the “righteous” cowboys in the lead role, fending off Natives. Rather, it was the Natives defending their land from the greedy, destructive cowboys. 

Why exactly did this role reversal occur, and how did playing Cowboys and Indians contribute to an informal movement of support for Native Americans in a distant Slavic land? 

Continue reading Down the Rabbit Hole of Poland’s Indianist Movement

‘Something This Amazing’; Crescent City Cuts The Ribbon On New Pump Track

Crescent City cut the ribbon Saturday on the first amenity at Beachfront Park built using Prop 68 grant money. | Jessica C. Andrews

Wesley Phillips’ experience with pump tracks is limited — the new course at Crescent City’s Beachfront Park was his first taste.

Though the official grand opening wasn’t until last Saturday, Wesley’s dad, Tom Phillips, said his son had already been practicing. Wesley and his friends Aidan Evans and Landon and Chase Feight were demo riders — zipping over the jumps and scaling the wall ride, the wooden structure towering above the rest of the track — while Tom looked on.

“He’s blown away by it,” Tom said, watching Wesley and his buddies. “He had always ridden bikes and asked [me], ‘Can you build me a jump?’”

As the bike pump track took shape over the last two months, Wesley’s thoughts have been “nothing else but BMX,” his dad says.

Continue reading ‘Something This Amazing’; Crescent City Cuts The Ribbon On New Pump Track

Pump Track Ribbon Cutting Set For Saturday, And Other City Council News

Crescent City councilors approved bike pump track rules ahead of its Saturday grand opening.

The new rules require users to wear a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads and states that kids under age 12 must be under adult supervision, City Attorney Martha Rice said Monday. The regulations set the facility’s hours from dawn to dusk and limit its use to “non-motorized wheeled devices.”

Anyone flouting those rules will either be suspended from the facility or receive an administrative citation, Rice said. Though the ordinance won’t take effect for another 30 days, the rules will be posted at the pump track’s entrance.

The pump track grand opening will start at 11 a.m. Saturday at Beachfront Park and will include giveaways and riding demonstrations. Kids are also urged to bring their helmets and bicycles. The city and the Del Norte Trail Alliance are sponsoring the event.

Continue reading Pump Track Ribbon Cutting Set For Saturday, And Other City Council News

My Experience at Meadowlark Comic Con 2024!

On the last weekend of July, fans of all things pop culture made their way to Meadowlark Comic Con in sunny Medford, OR! Redwood Voice’s Monique Camarena was on the ground to experience MLCC herself, and find out why others fans like her enjoy events like these. See if you can name all the cosplays in the video!

To find out more about the vendors, guests, and fun at Meadowlark Comic Con, visit

The same people who run MLCC are also putting on Ani-Medford, which is coming up on September 21-22, 2024! To find out all the details, visit

Here’s Monique’s recap of last year’s Ani-Medford!

The Fun Was With Me At FOREST MOON FESTIVAL 2024!

On the last weekend of May, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties got their lightsabers, Leia buns, and Baby Yoda ears out for the Forest Moon Festival! In its 2nd year running, this festival was all about celebrating the history between our Redwoods and the Endor scenes from the finale of the OG Star Wars trilogy, Return of the Jedi, and getting to show off some geekiness here and there too!

Redwood Voice’s Monique Camarena was on the ground to see what was going on at this Endor-inspired event, and find out why this movie makes Crescent City feel a little more special!

To find out more about the Forest Moon Festival, visit

Some photos used in this video are from the Crescent City CA-City Hall & Forest Moon Festival Facebook pages. Check them out!

Lost Coast Aeromodelers Association Meet – 2024

On a sunny Saturday, February 10, Redwood Voice’s Ethan Caudill-DeRego went out in the field to interview some members of the Lost Coast Aeromodelers Association, which is a club that builds and flies radio controlled planes and helicopters in Del Norte.

Join Ethan as he learns about what the association is all about, what the members specialize in, and how to get involved in flying model planes with the club yourself.

He’s Going the Extra Mile for Mental Health! – Q&A with A Walking Testimony

It’s not everyday that someone takes on a challenge for an important cause. But when they do, the world becomes inspired and is happy that it followed that person’s journey!

After years in and out of prison and addiction, Kyndal Ray Edwards (aka A Walking Testimony) was moved to change his lifestyle, and go on a journey-walking across America for mental health awareness and recovery.

This is Redwood Voice’s Monique Camarena here. While Kyndal was passing through, I got to ask him about his experiences so far, and from those experiences, what youth, specifically, could do to recover from addiction and help their mental health.

A Walking Testimony’s Social Medias:

Crescent City’s First Christmas Car Meet – 2023

On the Eve of Christmas Eve, Crescent City’s car connoisseurs came along to the Del Norte County Fairgrounds for the very first Christmas Car meet. Hosted by Keegan Crabb, the Car Meet was a spectacular sight to see. Not all cars that showed up were decorated, but it was still cool to see (and hear) all these supped up sports cars speeding by.

In this video, take a look at Crescent City’s first ever Christmas Car meet with Redwood Voice’s Rory McCain, and Ethan Caudill-DeRego.