Category Archives: Community News

News Now: COVID-19 Surge, Del Norte Purple Tier, Klamath River Dam Negotiations

News Now is a co-production of KFUG Community Radio, Wild Rivers Outpost, & Redwood Voice. You can listen live to News Now live every other Wednesday at 5pm on 101.1 FM or On tonight’s stories:

On Tonight’s Stories: The COVID-19 Pandemic is surging all across our nation, including right here in Del Norte County. A positive new agreement has come around on the Klamath River Dam Removal. CalTrans looks into refining new routes that would move around Last Chance Grade. You can listen to these and many, many more on this production of News Now, linked below.

Press Release: Tolowa Dee-ni’ Tribal Council Closes Physical Offices

The following is a press release from the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation.

As a precautionary measure, the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation Tribal Council agreed to close the physical offices of the Tribal Government operations until Monday, December 21, 2020. Recently we have had multiple governmental employees test positive for the COVID19 Virus.

Contact tracing has been performed, and those with second or third-party exposure to known positive cases have been identified. They are currently isolating and will be required to test negative before returning to work.All staff will be continuing to work from home, and there will be no reduction in pay. Staff will be contacted by their supervisors to facilitate this new 100% remote-work status.

Critical services for Tribal Members will continue through electronic means, including email, telephone, and other telecommunication services. This closure is an effort to curb the possible spread of exposure throughout the organization.

We will also be taking the necessary steps to sanitize and clean our facilities and equipment. Staff will also be required to test negative for the COVID19 virus prior to returning to on-site operations.

Please stay safe during these trying times.

News Now: Oops, All Election! (LIVE), Prescribed Burns, & COVID-19 in Pelican Bay

News Now is a co-production of KFUG Community Radio, Wild Rivers Outpost, & Redwood Voice. You can listen live to News Now live every other Wednesday at 5pm on 101.1 FM or On tonight’s stories:

On Tonight’s Stories: Oops, it’s all election! And it’s LIVE! (Or, well, the recording of the live show.) Discussion and updates on the election as they happened with commentary from the Redwood Voice Crew—Persephone Corvid Rose, Gwendolyn Rose Lucas, and Avi Critz—alongside KFUG Station Manager Paul Critz. But in other news things to give you a break in-between, Pelican Bay experienced its first cases of COVID-19, and there will be prescribed burnings near Orick. You can listen to all of this on this episode of News Now, linked below!

Departure From Norms: The 2020 Election for Del Norte and Humboldt Counties

Our present year has been one of departure from norms, and, regardless of what we might prefer, that has spread into voting in this year’s elections, now on the extremely near horizon, as well. These changes affect both Humboldt and Del Norte County in many ways, and will change the way voters engage with the polling process for the foreseeable future. 

All registered California voters should have received a mail-ballot after October 5th. If you have not received your ballot, it is recommended you contact your County Clerk’s Office. You can contact the County of Del Norte Elections Office at (707)464-7216. You can also contact the County of Humboldt Elections Office by calling (707)445-7481 to request a voting ballot be mailed to your address, or ask for additional information.

The Election Offices of Del Norte County and Humboldt County have partially set aside in-person polling stations as a measure against the COVID-19 Pandemic. For the sake of voter health and cleanliness, ballots will instead be dispatched and collected by mail.

Mailed ballots will be counted up until November 20th so long as it is postmarked by November 3rd; this is a result of recent emergency legislation passed in order to ensure that, in this changed environment, with oft-delayed mailing times, every Californian vote is counted with some allowance for adjustment to what may be an unfamiliar voting method to some. All mail ballots sent by November 3rd and received prior to the 20th will be vetted by county staff in order to ensure authenticity.

If you would like to vote in person, you will be asked to surrender your vote-by-mail-ballot, or, in absence of possession of a mail ballot, by voting a provisional ballot. Those who will be dropping their ballots off or voting in person due to either preference or lack of alternative options should remember to take care to remain masked, hygienic, and aware of their proximity to others as both common courtesy to fellow voters and themselves. The official drop-off locations for ballots in Del Norte County are the Flynn Center, Senior Center, and City Hall.

If you would like to vote in person, in-person voting assistance stations will re-opened in 18 locations across Del Norte County, but only for November 3rd, “Election Day” itself, as well as 9 locations across Humboldt County, for both Election day, as well as the three days proceeding it.

And remember, once again, that as with most things during quarantine, voting is more easily, safely, and responsibly done from home (by mail), if at all possible.

Redwood Voice Discusses the 2020 Election: Youth Voting, 2020 Democracy… & Cottagecore?

Station Manager Paul Critz takes the charge on gathering the team for a discussion on the 2020 Election, and, more specifically, the process of voting. What’s it like for the youth? What’s it like for marginalized folks? What was different? What are you hoping for? What exactly IS Cottagecore? All this and more in this sweet little production, linked below!

News Now: Klamath’s Day of Action, Sudden Oak Death Pathogen, & Voting Chats Promo

News Now is a co-production of KFUG Community Radio, Wild Rivers Outpost, & Redwood Voice. You can listen live to News Now live every other Wednesday at 5pm on 101.1 FM or On tonight’s stories:

On Tonight’s Stories: Klamath takes a day of action to demand that their voices are heard in their goal of taking down the dams affecting their rivers and salmon populations. There is a case of Sudden Oak Death Pathogen in the area, this report tells you what, exactly, that means. The promo for an upcoming segment, much longer form than you’d expect from short news segment, about voting and the upcoming election! You can listen to these and many, many more on this production of News Now, linked below.

News Now: 1500 Students Back to Class, Ballot Chat w/ Avi & Denise, & Yurok Tribe’s Orick Plans

News Now is a co-production of KFUG Community Radio, Wild Rivers Outpost, & Redwood Voice. You can listen live to News Now live every other Wednesday at 5pm on 101.1 FM or On tonight’s stories:

On Tonight’s Stories: 1500 Students are expecting to return back to school classrooms despite the current pandemic, and… everything around that. Avi takes it away with some ballot chat with Denise Doyle-Schnacker. The Yurok Tribe has plans regarding Orick. You can listen to these and many, many more on this production of News Now, linked below.

News Now: DNUSD COVID-19 Tensions, Wildfire HWY 199 Updates, & The CalEndow Billboard Report

News Now is a co-production of KFUG Community Radio, Wild Rivers Outpost, & Redwood Voice. You can listen live to News Now live every other Wednesday at 5pm on 101.1 FM or On tonight’s stories, we’re bringing you through a wide array of topics, including:

00:00 – Start of Newscast

02:03 – The COVID-19 Update.

03:00 – Wildfire Updates, including an update on Highway 199.

06:42 – Tensions rising in DNUSD as staff feel leadership has not prepared them properly for introducing students back into campuses, to the point that the possibility of striking has been put on the table.

15:07 – 200 6th Graders have received chromebooks, but because of a shortage, the digital gap may not yet be filled.

20:19 – A Preview on Persephone’s recent report, “The Saga of the CalEndow Billboard – How We Got Here.”

22:38 – National forests are closed due to wildfires, despite hunting season being upon us.

23:52 – Solid Waste Authority and Recology are seeking a consultant to decide new garbage rates.

27:05 – One shot after roommate dispute in Klamath.

Listen for yourself right here!

The Saga of the CalEndow Billboard — How We Got Here

In case you missed the story surrounding the vandalized California Endowment billboard for proclaiming that Black Lives Matter, you’re in luck, as your very own Redwood Voice Director Persephone Corvid Rose has created a report on the matter.

This report goes through all the gritty details of the timeline, because now that the events have transpired, it is interesting to see exactly how these things began. In this video, I explore Del Norte’s 1st District Supervisor Roger Gitlin (but nowhere near as much as I do in the recent Accountability Corner that was specifically about him) and his initial spouting of hate speech that has cumulated into a borderline obsession, alongside his festering denial of the COVID-19 Pandemic and its dangers. Exploring this, we talk about the cycle he perpetuates and how it plays into his vehement attitude towards the billboard set by the California Endowment, his hatred, his supporters, and how the accumulation of his own created tensions inspired someone to vandalize billboard. Then, the community response, the rally that took place to ensure that everyone knew Del Norte would not stand for such racist nonsense in our community.

All of that and more in this report! Basically: Here’s How We Got Here.

Elijah Brunson: A Talk On Division, Racism, & the Ignored Issues

I had an opportunity to talk to Elijah Brunson, a concerned member of the community. Elijah, who has lived in Crescent City for about 5 years now, with much of his work has revolved around working with youth, recently posted a photo on social media depicting a piece of racist graffiti depicting the words hastily spray-painted, quote, “White Lives Matter More.” The post garnered quite a bit of attention.

Elijah reached out to Redwood Voice with the photo, hoping to inform us of the graffiti. I asked to interview him in order to get both the situation documented and get his thoughts on the matter. While he discusses both the vandalism of the billboard and the graffiti, and how these acts of racism are despicable, he also talks about how they are taking away from the many genuine problems our community is facing due to the division.

Elijah was a wonderful interviewee and walked me through a lot of his thinking in this! It seemed he really wanted to cover his bases, and while he spends time talking about the bigotry of the recent acts of vandalism regarding the Cal Endow Billboard and the graffiti in question, he talks through why these acts of racism are literally taking away time and energy that could be used on genuine problems in our community, especially among our youth! You can watch the interview below.