Category Archives: Community News

Nourish Yourself with Coastal Connections’ New Cooking Class

The audio version of this PSA, as made for radio—by Persephone Rose.

Nourish yourself, mind and body, with Coastal Connections’ new cooking class for youth aged 14-21! Over the course of 6 sessions, develop your cooking prowess and learn to mix it up in your diet! It’s free, hands-on, and sure to be a whole lot of fun. Explore a growing healthier relationship with food preparation, cooking, and of course the fun part: eating! Registration includes a student workbook, nutrition resources, and even raffle prizes for each class to assist in building your very own healthy living toolbox.

This class comes both virtually and in-person. The virtual series will be happening every Monday from January 31st to March 14th, 3pm and 4:30pm on Zoom. The in-person series will be happening every Thursday from January 20th to February 24th, 4pm to 5:30pm at the site itself.

For more information you can call (707)464-3060, or stop down at Coastal Connections down on 475 K Street in Downtown Crescent City, California. Again, that’s (707)464-3060. Come cook with us!

Welcome to the Friendly City! Fortuna’s Passed Ordinance Criminalizes Camping

On December 6th, the Fortuna City Council passed an ordinance that would criminalize camping throughout most of the city. Officials say it’s a much-needed remedy to problems caused by unhoused residents, but the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California says the proposed regulations are both illegal and cruel. 

The ordinance would make it a misdemeanor for any person to camp, occupy camp facilities, or use “camp paraphernalia” in residential and commercial zones that cover the majority of the city’s jurisdiction. It would criminalize camping in any public place between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. — plus the hours between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. “unless there are no sleeping spaces practically available in any shelter or if there does not exist any viable alternative to sleeping in a public place.” 

At the December 6 council meeting, city councilmembers Mike Johnson and Jeremy Stanfield said they hope the ordinance has “teeth” to deal with people who’ve been sleeping in front of businesses and in other public places. Councilmember Mike Losey agreed, saying, “I think our citizens are just going to relish being able to call in and report some of these violations and then see action taken to stop some of this.”  

The Fortuna City Council conducted a second reading of the proposed ordinance and again voted unanimously to implement it. The new anti-camping laws will take effect on Jan. 19th.

As first reported by the Times-Standard, City Attorney Ryan Plotz crafted the ordinance, with input from Fortuna Police Chief Casey Day, to address complaints about the local homeless population while attempting to navigate the terms of the landmark 2018 Martin v. Boise ruling in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth District.

In that case, the Ninth Circuit panel found that it’s unconstitutional to charge criminal penalties “for sitting, sleeping, or lying outside on public property for homeless individuals who cannot obtain shelter.” The Eighth Amendment bars punishing a person “for lacking the means to live out the ‘universal and unavoidable consequences of being human,’” the court found.

Day said his department’s approach will begin with a “soft launch” of the ordinance, offering education and literature to the city’s unhoused offenders while working with partner organizations. Even with habitual offenders — those who refuse to adhere to the city’s ordinance and refuse help — the department plans to issue some kind of “warning citation” before charging them with a crime.

City Councilmember Mike Losey asked whether his officers will “make some effort to determine whether there are beds available in Eureka, say, at the homeless shelter.” Day said it would be their “overarching goal to provide that type of assistance.” In the event that they find someone “open minded” and seeking help, he said “we really do try to facilitate that by making those phone calls and/or even, in past practice, arranging transportation to those facilities.”

The City of Fortuna does not have any homeless shelters, however in interviews with the Outpost, City Manager Merritt Perry and Plotz said police officers have offered to drive people to shelters in Eureka and Arcata. 

The decision has caused many cities across the western United States, including Eureka, to redraft their own anti-camping ordinances. It’s also left a good deal of confusion in its wake as cities grapple with the lack of specifics in the ruling. Plotz said courts have struggled to interpret the language in the Boise decision for not being specific enough to provide real guidance. Fortuna’s ordinance bans camp paraphernalia, which it says “includes, but is not limited to, tents or tent-like structures, cots, hammocks, personal cooking facilities and similar equipment.” The definition explicitly excludes blankets, sleeping bags or bedrolls. A lot will be left up to individual officers’ discretion, he said.

The Boise decision “doesn’t specify a distance in terms of what’s considered available or not,” Plotz said in a phone interview. “It’s one of the areas that Boise has received some criticism from the League of California Cities for not providing that type of detailed guidance.”

Perry told the Outpost that Fortuna approaches the issue of homelessness regionally. When Fortuna recently received $400,000 in CARES Act funding to address homelessness, it wound up giving the money away. They made an agreement with the City of Eureka to put half of that towards their UPLIFT Program, and put the other half towards Arcata House [Partnership].  “So we’ll find a way to get people to where there is shelter” — assuming they’re willing to go, he added.

At the Dec. 6 meeting, Plotz told the council that the Fortuna Police Department has largely stopped criminal enforcement of its anti-camping regulations as a result of the Boise case, and residents have noticed an uptick in the number of people building temporary shelters and lying in front of businesses on Main Street. 

“[…] the aim of the Martin v. Boise case was to prevent cities from criminalizing sitting, sleeping or lying on public property,” says Plotz. “It does not speak to the larger issue of camping and the things that that comes with, including the erection of temporary shelters.”

The ACLU of Northern California disagrees with Plotz’s assessment. In a statement sent to the Outpost last week the organization says:

“The Fortuna City Attorney’s claim that focusing on ‘camping’ rather than “sleeping” makes their ordinance legal is false and misrepresents Martin v. Boise…It covers “the unavoidable consequences of being human,” which includes the need for shelter, cooking, and having some personal possessions available.”

Additionally, the suggestion from one councilman that residents of Fortuna will “relish” calling in to report unhoused people attempting to survive outdoors suggests a concerning lack of empathy for the plight of unhoused people […]”

Day said this ordinance represents a needed update to regulations in “The Friendly City.”  At the public meeting two weeks ago he stated, “I really feel strongly that for the public morale and health and safety of the community, that this revision to the municipal code is exactly what our community needs.”

Yurok Tribe Issues Emergency Declaration to Raise Awareness About MMIW

Series of human trafficking attempts occur on reservation, surrounding area—the following is a PSA from the Yurok Tribe:

Today, the Yurok Tribal Council issued an emergency declaration in response to a spate of missing persons and attempted human trafficking incidents on the reservation and in Arcata, where there is a disproportionate number of cases involving missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW).

“Today, we are asking our local, state and federal partners to take a stronger stand against the trafficking of Native women and girls,” said Joseph L. James, the Chairman of the Yurok Tribe. “While human trafficking and abductions have been all too common in the Humboldt County area, I ask all of our members to be extra cautious at this time. If you have to go into town, please take someone with you and let a family member know when you expect to return.”

In the last month, the Yurok Tribal Court received reports from seven Yurok women, including mothers with young children, who were approached by would-be traffickers. Thankfully, all were able to make it to safety. In mid October, Emmilee Risling was declared missing. The Yurok and Hoopa Valley Tribe, in conjunction with the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office, implemented a coordinated, month long effort to locate her, but she has not been found. The Hupa woman was last seen near Weitchpec on the Yurok Reservation. The Yurok and Hoopa Valley Tribes are offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to Emmilee’s safe return.

The Tribal Council issued the emergency declaration through a resolution, which speaks to the underlying cause of the MMIW crisis. According to the resolution: “The intergenerational impacts of 170 years of violence, trafficking and murder through missions, massacres, forced relocation, state sanctioned indentured servitude, boarding schools, widespread removal of children from their families through the child welfare system, disproportionate incarceration, police violence, and high rates of gender violence are still playing out to this day, and directly contribute to the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.”

Per capita, native women and girls are victims of human trafficking at a much higher rate. Tribes across the US are advocating for additional resources to confront this indelible issue. In 2020, 5,295 indigenous people were reported missing to the National Crime Information Center. At the end of the same year, 1,496 were still missing. Last year, there were 18 cases involving missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in California, according to a report produced by the Yurok Tribal Court and the Sovereign Bodies Institute (SBI). The actual number is likely much higher because MMIWG cases are poorly documented at the state and federal levels. A third of all cases in California occurred in Mendocino, Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, despite the sparse populations in these areas Even worse, murders of Native women in the state are seven times less likely to be solved.

“Every one of our families has been impacted by this issue. It cannot be allowed to continue,” said Chairman James.

During the past two years, the Yurok Tribe has substantially increased its capacity to respond to MMIW cases both on and off of the reservation. In 2019, the Yurok Tribal Court, in partnership with SBI, started the To’ Kee Skuy’ Soo Ney wo chek’ (I Will See You Again in a Good Way) Program to combat the crisis. The Program aims to improve the efficacy of MMIW investigations and establish an enhanced level of protection for Native women, girls and two spirit individuals in California, one of the top five states for MMIW cases The program is also developing the first MMIW database in the state. Additionally, the Court formed the Office of the Tribal Prosecutor, which aids in the investigation and prosecution of MMIW and domestic violence cases in all jurisdictions.

Similar to the Yurok Tribe, most tribes are located in rural areas, where law enforcement is minimal due to enduring inequities in federal funding. Predators intentionally target rural and tribal lands because there is less chance of getting caught. MMIW cases, including local incidents, often involve multiple law enforcement jurisdictions, making investigation infinitely more challenging. Prior to the formation of the Tribal Court’s MMIWG2 Program, the Tribe had no formal way to influence off-reservation cases. In many states, including California, Tribes are further hindered by Public Law 280. Public Law 280 grants the state jurisdiction over most violent crimes. When federal legislators determine where to distribute tribal law enforcement dollars, tribes in PL 280 states are often left out. There is no doubt that PL 280 has contributed to the inordinately high number of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls in Humboldt County.

“The quantity of MMIW cases in the local area and across the country is staggering. This needs to change and it needs to change now,” concluded Chairman James.

Here are helpful tips to avoid being a victim of human traffickers:

  • When in public, be cognizant of your surroundings.
  • Travel in groups.
  • Trust your instincts.
  • Be suspicious of strangers who reach out via social media.
  • Take swift action – if someone makes you feel unsafe, leave immediately and report it to law enforcement.
  • Learn self defense.

Click the link to read the “Resolution of the Yurok Tribal Council MMIW Emergency Declaration”

Del Norte Reads: A Program For All Aspects of Functional Literacy

The information of this message comes from Del Norte Library District Literacy Coordinator Danny Clark.

Could you use assistance with your reading? How about assistance with basic computer skills; like word processing, writing a resume or setting up an email? Do you need help preparing for your GED or HiSET? Are you learning English as a second language and would like to improve your reading, speaking and listening skills?

Del Norte Reads is here to help with all this and much more!

Del Norte Reads — a grant and donation funded nonprofit organization aimed at helping community members with all aspects of functional literacy — is a library program that works in conjunction with the Del Norte County Library District to provide free literacy services to community members. They proudly provide assistance with reading, writing, math, computer literacy, GED prep and much more. 

They are looking for compassionate volunteers to tutor our hard working learners. We provide materials and training.  Even an hour or two a week can make a huge impact in the lives of the program’s learners.

All of Del Norte Reads’ services are free and they are more than happy to provide accommodations for a diverse group of learners.

“Fun times on Adult Literacy Day at the Del Norte Reads Open House.” – From the Del Norte Reads Facebook Page.

If this program sounds like something you or someone you know would enjoy being a part of this program, you can call them at (707) 464-7072 or stop by and see them in person at 1080 Mason Mall suite 9. More information is available at the Main branch of the Del Norte County Library.

“Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the Del Norte County Library (including our visiting dinosaurs)! […] Happy Thanksgiving!” – From the Del Norte County Library Facebook Page.

Help Wanted: 16-24 Year Olds Out of Work & School Impacted by COVID-19

The audio version of this PSA, as made for radio—by Persephone Rose.

The Wild Rivers Community Foundation is conducting a survey to understand the impact that COVID-19 has had on the youth of our community, primarily those aged 16 to 24 out of work and out of school. The data gained from this research will support the operations of various social programs and has a vital role in serving the underserved youth of our community.

You can access the survey with the link: (note that the link is case-sensitive.) You can also scan the QR code on their flier, which has been included below. All participants will receive a $10 coffee gift card and will be entered to win 1 of 4 $100 VISA Gift Cards.

Fire on Howland Hill: An Interview with Lathrop Leonard

Here at KFUG and Redwood Voice Paul Critz and yours truly, Oliver Corcovelos, interviewed Forester Lathrop Leonard to talk about the one acre fire over on Howland Hill and give an update about the fire, what it’s affecting, and how it all started.

Lathrop Leonard
We discovered a week ago Sunday but suspected was going on for almost two weeks prior to that, there was a lightning storm you may recall that came through and started another fire in the park that we put out fairly quickly. But this one nobody noticed because it was just kind of smoldering up in the tree tops for a number of days before it managed to make its way to the ground and start spreading and putting up enough smoke for people to realize it was out there. 

Paul Critz
And initially, when you discovered that a week ago this last Sunday, what was the extent of it then? How many trees?

Lathrop Leonard
So it was about an acre on the ground and about five trees were burning up in the canopies. And so what happened is one of these trees probably got on fire from the lightning. And once it started burning actively up there embers and pieces of the tree, I mean, sometimes just little embers and other times big branches, like 100 pound branches would fall to the ground on fire. And then that all lit the ground on fire and it spread on the ground and even from tree to tree. And so we ended up with about five trees on fire when we discovered it and started actively suppressing that fire. 

Paul Critz
Oh, my gosh. So you did something that I had never heard being done before, and that was installed sprinkler systems. Is that correct?

Lathrop Leonard
That’s right. We had some regular sprinklers like you would see in your yard on the ground so that if something fell out of the tree, it fell on the wet material so that it wouldn’t start another top fire. But then we also needed to get water where the fire was. And so we had a series of ropes and things that were pulling these sprinklers and the typical brass garden hose that people may be using in their yard. We’re hauling a bunch of those up there attached to hoses to help put this thing out. 

Paul Critz
Wow. Now, is that like, ad hoc? Is this something that is commonly done or is just a fix that you guys made up?

Lathrop Leonard
Well, you know, I don’t know if anybody who’s been doing this outside of California state parks, but it’s something that we’ve been kind of developing and improving over the years over the last, I don’t know, maybe ten or twelve years or so in parks. Mostly, we seem to have more of these down in humble Redwoods State Park area, but certainly we’ve been putting them out up here and within Redwood, national and state parks, as this one, of course, is in Jedi Smith Redwoods, all those that happens everywhere, and we just have to kind of adjust and each fire up there is a little bit different so that the techniques kind of change a little bit and evolve over time as we figure out what works best in each situation, the last resort, if we can’t put it out from the ground is we’ll send a tree climber into a neighboring tree, and then they can squirt water from there. But obviously, tree climbing. That’s something Arbors and other folks do. We have some folks that are specially trained in climbing trees, but anytime you’re getting off the ground like that, it’s kind of a heads up from a safety standpoint. So we’d rather risk hoses and people’s lives. 

Lathrop Leonard Forester For California State Parks and the go to guy to talk to about the fire on Holland Hill. All of us at KFUG and Redwood Voice thank you and all the firefighters working on this to keep our community safe and appreciate the lengths you go to to protect our redwoods.

Sticky Grove Gives Back To Hospital Workers

The audio version of this report is available for listening!

     In August 2021,  Del Norte County District 2 Supervisor Valerie Starkey found out that because Sutter Coast Hospital is overflowing with COVID-19 patients, they had to close their cafeteria to prevent an even wider spread of Covid-19. When she heard this she decided to call out to the community to donate food and water to our healthcare workers to make sure they are being taken care of.

Robert DeRego, owner of Sticky Grove, heard Valerie’s plea and decided to give back to the community that’s unique to his dispensary business. Redwood Voice Reporter E. Corcovelos Interviewed Rob to get more information on how he was going to give back to his community.

E. Corcovelos
You wanted to give out some of your products to medical professionals. How did that all start?

Robert DeRego
Actually, we saw Supervisor Starkey’s post about giving something back to healthcare workers, and started thinking of what I could do. And a couple of people came to the window in scrubs on, and got something—they seemed to be in a hurry. I figured that’d be an easy way to get back and show to me, and I thought maybe so far it’s been underutilized. If anybody wants to take advantage of that, we would like to help out anybody and show a little love that’s being shown at the hospital right now. 

E. Corcovelos
What does it entail exactly?

Robert DeRego
It’s been underutilized so far. We’ve got a few regulars that help out infusion center in different places like that. But I have a couple of gummies, some joints if somebody comes in with an order and generally been trying to take care of them on that, we kind of had a budget for it in mind, and so far it’s nowhere been near exhausted. 

E. Corcovelos
Are you going to stop this anytime? Is it just going to go until your budget runs out for it?

Robert DeRego
You know, I’m not sure. Sometimes I get jaded with our local government, but the community is just great. And so we’ll do it until it until we can’t do it. And so far, I haven’t had any sign that I can’t do it. Nobody is exhausting my resources on it. And maybe in the future, we’d like to recognize retail workers as well. And so we might switch gears here if we can get the hospital empty to say thanks to the retail workers in a similar way.

E. Corcovelos
Oh, that’s so cool, man. So people just show up in their scrubs and be like “I’m a medical professional“? 

Robert DeRego
Yeah, and I’m stoned a lot of the day. Sometimes you might need to save scrub, or there’s something to remind me a little bit, but I’ve got masks on the window there. And the masks on the window are trying to remind me to look for scrubs. Sometimes I do forget there. And still, I probably might forget. So any little gentle hint to remind me is helpful in these situations. 

E. Corcovelos
I think that’s really cool personally. And it’s just a way to give back, and I dig it. 

Robert DeRego
Yeah, I was afraid some people will say, hey, these people don’t have time for this. But actually, if you’re working, the only thing I’ve ever done is food service and that kind of thing. And then you’re working on a high paced environment, it’s so hard to get to bed when you do have a chance. All of a sudden you’re wound up. And so I think some people could take some benefit out of that when they do get a chance to go to bed, to actually get to bed for a few hours. I know our medical community’s up against quite a quite a really proud and grateful to them. 

So if you are a medical worker in need of some help relaxing or even falling asleep after a long shift, head on over to Sticky Grove. Let Rob know you work for the medical field, and he will give you the hook up.

Dungeons & Dragons & Recreational Therapy

This project was a collaborative effort from the Redwood Voice team. This project was led by Eleni Corcovelos. Video above created by Persephone Corvid Rose. The article and interview transcript below were proofread and edited by Avi Critz.

RPG Research is a non-profit charitable research and human services global volunteer-run organization studying the effects of cooperative music and all role-playing game formats and their potential to improve lives around the world. All of our staff and executives are 100% unpaid volunteers who believe in our Mission and Vision to make a real Impact. This includes research into role-playing game therapy (RPG Therapy), role-playing games for education (RPG education), applied role-role-playing gaming (applied RPG), and many other uses.

Video Interview Transcript

Hi, this is Persephone Corvid Rose with Redwood Voice. 

Hi, I’m Eleni with Redwood Voice. 

We are joined by one John Degler. 

That’s my dad and grandfather, I’m JD. 

We’re joined with JD today because Paul Critz, station manager of KFUG, told me something interesting about recreational therapy Dungeons and Dragons. And we’re joined with JD to talk about what that means.

Well I’ve been doing training with a company called RPG Research where they use tabletop role-playing games as recreational therapy for people who have a variety of issues that they deal with. It’s been a huge learning experience for me. I’ve been doing D&D for the better part of three decades or longer, but I haven’t approached it from this particular side so it’s been an adventure.

Awesome! You said it helps with various issues. What kinds? Like, if there’s just a laundry list.

There really isn’t. There’s all kinds of benefits of playing role-playing games from learning critical thinking skills to socializing skills. And mainly what it brings to the table is helping people who have troubles with those types of skills actually access them in an environment that is inclusive and non-threatening.

So, you’re currently in the training yourself.  How’s that going? Tell me about that.

Oh, it’s absolutely lovely. It’s kind of fun, the original 12-week program for the level one training system was turned into 16 weeks. As I finished the last half of the 16 week program, Hawk, the gentleman who runs the company, discovered that his workbook wasn’t actually working and extended it to an 18-week program. It makes sense because some of the information is pretty intense. This isn’t just learning how to play a game, it’s learning the terminology that you need to become a recreational therapist over a number of trainings and how to apply it in an RPG setting and be effective without just playing the game and going “oh look we did it”.

I was going to ask, what are you doing for those 18 weeks? 

Well, I have my workbook here. It’s a 302 page workbook. 

Not only is it 302 pages, it’s like textbook margins so it’s a lot of stuff! 

It’s stuffed with all of my notes, and my notes are copious because I don’t have experience in this particular aspect of RPGs, so I have to work harder at doing this. It’s been a really interesting stretch of my comfort zone.

What got you into doing this?

Well, I was actually online doing some research for one of my games and on Facebook I came across a post about RPG Research. And then I went to their website and I went “oh my god, I want to do this”. Our area is underserved. We don’t have a lot of programs for kids and the last after school program we had, the person who was running it got arrested. So yes… 


So, I would like to return something like this to the area to give kids who are interested something to do. You have to learn multiple game sources and there are multiple different types of games. You have to learn the terminology involved with the games. Because, for example, you cannot call all of the “Choose Your Own Adventure Books” that are out there “Choose Your Own Adventure Books” because CYOB INC., the company that owns that trademark, just settled a lawsuit with Netflix over a program Netflix was doing that was a “Choose Your Own Adventure” program. You have to know the correct terminology so that people understand you and you don’t get sued.

It’s funny you gotta balance both those out. And is there anything you found since you’re learning different game systems and how that kind of translates to different kinds of recreational therapy?

Well, one of the one of the game systems I just recently played since week six was No Thank You, Evil! It’s a really simple almost LARP kind of game. It is tabletop based, you have a character sheet that’s very minimal and you have a guide. You bring the kids along through the quest. The one we did was something about “Dragon Snot Fountain” or “Dragon Snot Falls”. It was great! And it involves a lot of “get up and move” activities. In one part of the adventure you have to pretend you’re climbing a ladder. In another part, you have to do the bee dance to get the directions to where you need to go. And there’s a lot of activity involved to help stop what they call the wiggle butt syndrome little kids have and people who have really bad ADHD have.

Yeah,  as one of those people that sounds great! I’m like yeah!

When you get up and move, you get involved more and that really helps with that aspect of keeping people involved and helping them focus. There’s other games out there like Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space. It’s a really simple system. It’s a lot of fun to do, and it really involves a fan base that people can get involved with. It helps them focus on that because, you know, they like Doctor Who let’s see what we’re gonna do!

Nice! Maybe sometime we gotta get, like, the full Redwood Voice team and you should bring us through one of these. 

Oh yes! Oh, you guys would have so much fun with No Thank You, Evil! Another fun thing about that is if something seems too much for a kid, they have a little token that they can put down that says “no thank you evil” and they can skip it entirely. It’s a really interesting and fun system that I have never even seen before and it’s one of the things I’ve been exposed to because of this training.

I haven’t either because that’s much more of a like kinesthetic thing with people moving around. I don’t really see that in a lot of tabletop games. 

It’s kind of a hybrid between tabletop and LARPing and it’s a lot of fun.

So, I personally really love that because I’ve had friends who tried to get me into D&D and the reason I can’t is because choices and like saying “oh can I do this?” makes me really anxious and panic a lot, so I like having the option to be like “no, no thanks”.  

And then that’s something that tabletop RPGs in a recreational therapy setting could help people confront along with like decision making abilities. And it’s really beneficial, according to the research that Hawk has put together. 

Kind of along the same lines of people who panic with decisions, I’ve run many a game where there’ll be someone on their phone the whole time and not paying attention or taking in the details and then conflict from there.

That’s actually really common at my table as well. And it’s worse because I use digital devices to help get content out to the players and it’s getting even worse now in COVID because everything is digital. So, I don’t have any personal strategies for getting around that other than “pay attention”. 

So, that is actually a good segue question. Is this available during COVID times? 

Yes! RPG Research is headquartered in Spokane, Washington, so all of the training I go through remotely and it’s really fun. We start each training module each week with our administrative stuff making sure we’ve done our homework and that kind of thing. We do a pre-test to show what our baseline competency is. We do applied gaming where we actually play a certain game system, and then we do our lecture which focuses on the questions of the initial quiz. Then, we do the applied gaming section again to finish it out and then we do our post test to see if we retain that information. It’s a really good system Hawk has worked up. I’m really really into this system. Of the 18 weeks, I think I have done 16 now. I started the first nights at week 10 and we kind of went and repeated several weeks because people weren’t able to show up. That happens during the winter. I’ve gone back through and started with week one and it’s been very informative and very very interesting.

Nice! Sounds very thorough.

Very thorough kind of application process! And it’s a lot of fun too. I’m on the radio, so people don’t think of me as being an introvert, but I am. And this has been education for me and how to interact with other people that I don’t know and that I’ve never met before and how to be open with them right from the get-go. Because that’s not usually who I am.

So, even the people like administering and kind of leading get to learn something from it too.

Oh yeah, absolutely.

And because it is remote, obviously it does have the thorough application process, but could anyone sign up to see if they’re eligible?

There is an application process. You basically go to the website, you click on recruitment, and it’ll take you to what jobs are available. If you’re interested in any of the numerous positions they have from research assistant to volunteer player level 1 training, you click on the link, you fill out the application and send a resume. And then they get back to you. It could be me because i’m the volunteer coordinator now! And not only do they have these volunteer positions open and paid positions on the LLC side, Hawk has invested in a bus and a trailer that he takes up and down the coast and all around the country. He takes role-playing games and tabletop role-playing games to different communities that are underserved. He’s actually passed through Crescent City before on his way down to Santa Rosa, where he’s originally from. I’m wanting him to bring that bus here so that we can get the interest going and get some kind of recreational therapy system based on tabletop roleplaying games going here.

I would love to see that. If you need any media help- [laughs]

It’s constantly growing. There’s more than 150 volunteers on six different continents. One of the other volunteer coordinators I’m training with is in Germany and he’s from Nigeria. It’s a very diverse crowd of people who are interested in making this happen and that growth has happened in the last 18 months which is amazing.

Like, so it started like 18 months ago?

No, he’s been involved in the therapy side since 1977, I believe. Hawk, John, and Danielle got together and put together RPG Research and they filed as a nonprofit in 2016, I think. So, RPG Research has been an official non-profit since 2016, but Hawk has been doing this since the mid-80s. I’m really hoping that we get more attendance at the trainings because right now it’s been three to four people including the coordinators in all the trainings that I’ve done. And it’s really difficult. For one of the trainings, you play Neverwinter night’s expanded edition and there’s all kinds of different things you can do with it. One of them is running the DM Client which is, basically, you’re an invisible player that provides rewards or consequences to the other players as they go through the module you’ve created or that’s already been created. And this is all of it is based on teaching you how to make decisions and how to help players move forward in their game. It’s a way of playing D&D electronically because Neverwinter Nights is actually based on second edition rules. So, it’s all actual Dungeons and Dragons, just on a computer and a whole bunch of people can play it. And the idea with the training is to get a whole bunch of people together on the server and they pass the responsibility around and lead through different parts of the adventure. We’ve barely been able to get two people together during the winter and I’m hoping this summer, that’s gonna change and we can get more robust training.

Sounds like you might need even more people to join in.


And again for people at home, if they are interested in joining, how would they go about doing that?

Go to and at the top of the website you’ll see a row of links you can click. One is volunteering and you can click on that link and it’ll give you a list of all the jobs that are there, and there’s paid jobs there as well if you want to move to Spokane.

Something I was curious about: do you think it’s like an advertising issue as to like why there’s only just a handful of people involved? Or just, you know, we are in the middle of an almost two year long pandemic. Why do you personally think it’s only just a handful of people that are currently involved with this? Because like you said, there were only, like, two to four people at a time. I was just curious if you had any personal theories as to why that was?

I agree with Hawk’s comment on it. He’s been doing this for years and what he has seen is, during spring summer fall they have a swell of volunteers who get involved and do things, and then over the holiday break you know Thanksgiving and Christmas they fall off because they’re all doing things with family. So, you know, that makes a lot of sense. It kind of goes dormant and there’s a few dedicated people who stick to it, and a few new people, but not usually a lot. I was kind of an apparently unusual person getting on board during the winter session and it was really more focused because there were fewer of us and we were able to be more involved with the questions and the training. It goes through a cycle like a lot of other volunteering. Locally, I volunteer for DNACA and Community Concert and we don’t plan events during that three-month time period for the most part. The latest we’ll really go is November and then we’ll skip through to February because there’s so many other things going on. I also do Community Concert and you know there’s so many things going on during the winter that people are really too compressed to do something else.

Understandable! Yeah, is there anything else that we’ve not asked that you would like to make sure gets said?

They’re developing a brain computer interface for allowing people who are complete shut-ins, you know, paralyzed from the neck down to be able to do yes no questions to do a computer game and participate in a tabletop role-playing type games like Neverwinter Nights. And this is something that Hawk has already done. He’s used a cheaper interface to get characters to move in Neverwinter Nights just by thinking about it. Yeah, so he and a group of researchers are putting together a computer game based entirely on the brain computer interface to help these people who are literally laying in a bed staring at the ceiling and doing nothing but have full cognition. They’re conscious and they’re aware, but they can’t do anything so they’re trying to develop this so that they can do something. They have research going on about this subject constantly. On how tabletop RPGs, LARPing, electronic role-playing games, and hybrid role-playing games help people. So this is a constant body of knowledge that’s expanded and is constantly expanding and he knows more about all of that than I do. They have community outreach programs, they’ve got the bus, they’ve got just so many different things happening!

Awesome! Thank you so much for talking to us. For Redwood Voice, I’m Persephone Rose.

And I’m Eleni.

If you’re interested in this work, you can find everything you need about them on their website, or even go straight to their volunteering section.

Undamming the Klamath | How We Got Here

Though this project exists as a video, it is also included below as an article for your reading leisure.

It’s made national news and things are finally heading in the right direction, but it’s only the beginning. Throughout 2020—yes, that 2020—The Yurok Tribe rose up and at last has reached their goal of undamming the Klamath River, now with a set year for the dams to finally come down. But it wasn’t an easy journey… nor a short one, and certainly not a simple one. Here’s how we got here.

This report is meant to document what led to the move to finally undam the Klamath River, after a solid decade of effort being put into the matter.

Those who made it through the constant negotiations and reworkings involved the Klamath Justice Coalition, who are, quote, “formed by local Natives and people from the Klamath around the Un-dam the Klamath campaign,” (x) as well as the Yurok Tribe as a whole, whose reservation rests in Klamath. In fact, to part the curtain, this video was inspired while I was looking for information to teach myself about the entire ordeal, and noticed that information was… a little bit all over the place.

Which, hey, in its defense: this story just developed over the last few months, and the developments in between were quite spaced out. So the purpose of this report will be to capture the narrative and have it all in one easy-to-digest place.

So without further ado—let’s jump right in.

CHAPTER 1. Exposition

Well, actually, we’re not going to jump right into the real meat of it. Since we’re broadcasting this story to people who may have no idea what’s up: just a bit of a rundown of what you need to know.

The Klamath River is a 257 mile long river that cuts through both Northern California and Southern Oregon. Over in Klamath it empties into the Pacific Ocean, and it starts all the way back in, of course, Klamath Falls. It’s the Second Largest River in all California, second only to the Sacramento River. The river is so large that along its trail, it satiates four different tribes: the Yurok tribe, the Karuk tribe, the Hoopa tribe, and the Klamath tribe.

The Klamath is an absolutely vital part of the area. To our neighbors, the Yurok Tribe, it gives a sense of identity and livelihood. It gives sustenance to the ecosystem and is where the salmon population is meant to thrive. The fishing of salmon in the Yurok Tribe, as this report will likely hit a few times, is an incredibly important part of Yurok culture. Salmon is used in ceremonies. Salmon is a source of food. And for many, salmon is a source of income.

I don’t think I need to explain why that’s, y’know, a big deal. Imagine a resource so vital, so important to you. It’s been part of your culture since as long as your culture’s been around, it keeps you fed, and chances are high it’s what you do to keep the lights on and the bills paid.

Now imagine something happens. Something bad. No, that resource isn’t taken away: it’s made sick from the source, and withers before your very eyes.

CHAPTER 2. The Day of the Dams

Klamath River, again, is a big river. I probably made that clear. And you know this story is about dams so you know where we’re going with this.

What happens when you put a dam on a river? According to Michael Belchik, the Yurok tribe’s senior fisheries biologist, quote “Anytime you put a dam on a river, it always has profound effects: it chops the river into two pieces. Rivers carry a lot more than just water. The water goes down river, fish move upriver, but not only that: there’s nutrients, sediment and other organisms.” Rivers move a lot of vital stuff, and when you put a giant wall in the way, it’s going to mess it up. And mess it up it has, as the salmon population that we’ve established as important on both an identity and livelihood basis has been utterly decimated. Glen Spain, northwest regional director of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, explained that the salmon catch rate has gone down 98% over the past 4 decades due to the dams. In a more scientific phrasing: “Scientists state that the dams create deadly algae blooms that contribute to disease and parasites infecting Klamath River salmon,” according to a Wild Rivers Outpost article by Jessica Cejnar. If you’d like to see more of this effect, Congressman Jared Huffman conducted a livestream August 18th, 2020—a hefty 2 hour examination of the impact it’s had on the tribes that rely on it and the environment itself whilst PacifiCorp turns profits.

The aforementioned Jared Huffman livestream examining effects.

Even more so, an interesting point on these dams is that while their list of cons piles high, their pros aren’t so positive either. It would actually be tremendously better for the economy of Del Norte County to have these dams taken down. Bringing back the salmon population would reintroduce commercial fishing from the Tribe and Independent Fisheries. Instead, the salmon numbers have been simply so low along the Klamath River that from end to end, Northern California to Southern Oregon, fisheries have had to disband solely because there’s not even enough fish to pass the minimum threshold, Glen Spain further elaborated in a Wild Rivers Outpost article.

Basically? The Dams aren’t really doing much for anyone besides PacifiCorp themselves, the profiting party. And even that is put to question. The same article said of Spain, quote, “Spain argued that the 82 megawatts of electricity the dams generate has been replaced at least 17 times over with renewable energy since Berkshire Hathaway purchased PacifiCorp in 2005. He noted that in a 2007 environmental impact statement, FERC concluded that the dams actually produce 26 percent less power than originally thought, which has to be sold at a rate that loses the company $20 million a year.”

So if I told you these dams—yes, plural—have been up for a solid century, well, I don’t have to tell you that’s going to be rough on the environment. The four dams, which are named J.C. Boyle, Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2, and the Iron Gate, spanned several decades of construction, the first beginning construction around 1908 with it finishing around 1917, and the last finally constructed in 1962, standing strong and in the way ever since.

The Yurok Tribe has had a rough relationship trying to get these dams removed, an obvious goal because these dams, as Belchik said, chopped the river into separate pieces. Since the mid-2000s, some progress had finally been made between the various stakeholders who are involved with the Klamath River and the Dams, which includes the Yurok Tribe and Pacificorp (who actually operates the Dams), though also includes the Karuk Tribe, a few environmental organizations, and the states of California and Oregon. This settlement became known as the “Klamath Hydro-electric Settlement Agreement,” or KHSA. As Amy Cordalis, General Council of the Yurok Tribe puts it,

[…] Since the mid-2000s [there] has been an agreement in place: the Klamath Hydro-electric Settlement Agreement, that would effectuate dam removal. That agreement has been amended and changed a few times.

Amy Cordalis, General Council of the Yurok Tribe

These amendments and changes have altered how things work out regarding Dam Removal, which has made it a bumpy road in terms of getting the dams… well, actually removed. The most recent of these amendments happened in 2016, when the responsibility of Dam Removal was taken out of Congressional Approval, as it had previously been, and back into the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC. FERC’s involvement would provide a bit of a “Curveball,” as Amy Cordalis and many others have come to put it, and I’ll let her take it away with what exactly that meant for Dam Removal:

And in July of last year, 2020, we received an order on one of the initial applications. And in the order, it basically approved the license surrender of the Klamath Dams FERC License that’s required in order for PacifiCorp to operate the dams. So it approved the application of surrendering that license, but it required PacifiCorp to stay on the license through the transfer process of that license to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, which is the Dam Removal Entity. And that requirement was a bit of a curveball, it was a bit different from what we had contemplated in the 2016 amendment to the [KHSA], and so there was this decision point of… what do we do? How do we continue to move forward with dam removal with this little curveball? And so what happened was the Yurok Tribe called the CEOs of Berkshire Hathaway – Warren Buffet, the CEO of PacifiCorp – […] And so we called their leaders and basically said, “Meet us on the banks of Blue Creek on the Yurok Reservation and let’s figure this out.” And to their credit they responded, and although we didn’t get Warren Buffet to the river we did get a few of his number one and number two CEOs to the river, and we had a long talk. And our Tribal Leaders were clear that failure is not an option, that dams will come down, and that we needed to work collectively together in order to remove the dams. And they basically responded, and what that did was then trigger negotiations for a new agreement that happened over the late Sumer and early Fall.

Amy Cordalis, General Council of the Yurok Tribe

Backing up just a bit, the FERC decision and its effects thereafter came about late Summer, as Cordalis explained. Ideally, prior to the decision, plans were to bring the dams down in 2022. This curveball, however, meant all the stakeholders were back in the negotiations phase. As Jessica Cejnar, Wild Rivers Outpost Bureau Chief, wrote on the matter in an article on August 20th, 2020, Quote: “This decision changed the terms of the 2016 Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, [Utility Representative Scott Bolton said], and makes PacifiCorp liable for all project costs and liabilities.” And, obviously, PacifiCorp didn’t want that.

The actual cost to remove the dams is estimated at $434 Million. The renegotiations that made the KHSA happen helped form the Klamath River Renewal Corporation, or KRRC: the organization Cordalis mentioned the license would go to. As such, they had their own budget, and at the time it was set at $450 Million. $200 Million of that actually came from a PacifiCorp surcharge to its California and Oregon customers, and the other $250 million came from California water bond dollars. But for a while, a tension brewed between the Yurok Tribe and PacifiCorp. It seemed to some that PacifiCorp wanted to pass everything onto the tribe, and, therefore, get out with their profit and quietly move along—but the ruling of the license threw that out the window.

CHAPTER 3. Rising Action.

You know, PacifiCorp thought they were going to be off the hook, and left the management of the dismantling of the dams to a non-profit. And the federal Government said, “No I’m sorry, you’re not off the hook actually,” and so it’s really important to me to hold those corporations accountable. Corporations have deeply impacted the health of all of us, including our Earth and natural world, our ecosystem. At some point we need to start holding them accountable. They often are able to get out of lawsuits and keep doing the kind of dirty work they do by using the law against us.

Chrystal Helton, Local Activist & Resident of Klamath Glen

A month after renegotiations started, the FERC Order wasn’t the only thing pinning PacifiCorp to take responsibility. At this point, too, we should mention that the owners of PacifiCorp were being drawn to attention, Berkshire Hathaway and its CEO, Warren Buffet. It was a bit of a perspective shift, from the daunting task of fighting an entire corporation to remembering that… Yes, there was a person behind this. A name and a face, an identity, a reputation. Remember this, it’ll come up again later!

On September 24th, 2020, Congressman Jared Huffman suddenly proposed legislation that specifically targeted PacifiCorp for the impact its Dams have had.

The legislation came with a large news release that you can read online in its entirety, but the important gist of it:  it’s H.R. 4447, the Clean Economy Jobs and Innovation Act, which included the KHSA Tribal Fairness amendment, led by Rep. Jared Huffman. Quote,

“The amendment is designed to safeguard Tribal communities against further harm to the Klamath River and its ecosystem and remediate existing problems in the Klamath River basin and downstream communities caused by four aging dams owned by PacifiCorp, a subsidiary of Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway.

If PacifiCorp turns its back on the negotiated agreement to remove the dams, the Huffman amendment would impose new relicensing conditions for the dam owner, including a requirement that the dams comply with state and tribal recommendations to reduce harm to fisheries, as well as numerous public disclosures related to water pollution, fish recovery, dam safety, and the facility’s financial status.” End quote.

So, at this point… everyone’s eyes are on PacifiCorp. FERC dropped their order to stay liable, the Yurok tribe made it clear that failure is not an option, and now the House of Representatives has passed H.R. 4447.

And all the while? Something big starts to form.

CHAPTER 4. The Day of Action

October 23rd, 2020: Activists around the region and the country planned a day of action to put pressure on Warren Buffet and Berkshire Hathaway, PacifiCorp’s Owner, as well as other stakeholders and politicians regarding the removal of the Klamath Dams.

KFUG Community Radio interviewed local activist and Klamath Glen resident Chrystal Helton (who you heard cue us into the previous section), one of many involved with the Day of Action. Plans involved some good ol’ fashioned banner bombing across Highway 101 to bring attention to PacifiCorp. Virtual rallies took place in both Portland and Omaha, Nebraska, the former being where PacifiCorp is located, the latter being Warren Buffet’s hometown. A San Diego rally also took place, joining not only the movement to Undam the Klamath, but to also push back against PacifiCorp’s attempts to dominate Southern California as a utility, which was spoken further of in a California Save the Salmon press release. In Klamath, signs were hung from various Tribal families addressing Warren Buffet, Berkshire Hathaway, Pacificorp, and both the California and Oregon Governors, Gavin Newsom and Kate Brown (respectively.)

And the thing is? It really took off. Social Media was filled with tens of thousands talking about the Day of Action, and that creates an interesting thing. See, as we said earlier, it wasn’t just about PacifiCorp. While everyone was already on board knowing the troubles that corporations have caused for our health and the natural world, the realization of its sole owner, Warren Buffet, meant that these calls could be far more targeted.

So when Warren Buffet’s reputation fell on the line and he noticed that all eyes were on him, the Day of Action had accomplished its mission. Like Amy Cordalis said: “Failure was not an option.”

CHAPTER 5. Resolution & What’s To Come

Negotiations were suddenly a lot smoother, and by mid-November 2020, the Yurok tribe finally had some good news.

Folks probably saw the press releases from not only Berkshire Hathaway, but Governor Newsom, Governor Brown in Oregon, as well as the tribe announcing the new memorandum of agreement that we were able to negotiate. And I’ll move into the terms of what those are[.] So the terms of the agreement basically adressed the issue that FERC required of PacifiCorp staying on the license, by having both the states of Oregon and California, and then PacifiCorp would stay involved in a technical capacity but would not come onto the license. So that is the sort of compromise that everyone agreed to. In addition to that, Oregon, California, as well as PacifiCorp, are contributing an additional $15 million to dam removal—$15 million each— for a total of $45 Million, on top of the existing $450 Million Budget.

Amy Cordalis, General Council of the Yurok Tribe

With these new terms of agreement, the deal was made, negotiations… were negotiated. While it’s certainly an ambitious project, it’s finally, truly underway. By 2023, the dams should be gone. So what comes next? What does this mean, exactly?

For one thing, this is historical for a few reasons. The most tragic of which being that this is a nation based on the struggling, pillaging, and theft of Indingeous tribes who populated the continent far before its colonization by White European settlers. Historically they’ve been damned by us, and even more recently, our government has been truly cruel to the Indigenous tribes whose land we live our lives on. Mt. Rushmore prior to the carving of the Presidential faces was an incredibly sacred, religious place, called the Tunkasila Sakpe Paha, or Six Grandfathers Mountain. Which, of course, our country stole and carved the faces of various figures who each played roles throughout history in taking the land and power of those who were already here. The Standing Rock protests, where peaceful protesters were maced and brutalized, was just back in 2016. But now, we see a noticeable victory for the Yurok tribe, as well as the various other tribes who rely on the Klamath River.

It’s back to what Amy Cordalis said: failure is not an option.

My final point I’ll make is: in the process of negotiation the new MOA, the tribe really focused on the importance of the fishery, to preserving tribal life ways and protecting Indigenous cultures. And that was really heard by Berkshire Hathaway, and I think also by the states. And the states, as well as Berkshire Hathaway, were really willing and did step up and make commitments to protect the tribal interest, to work to restore the environment. I think that’s one of the first times I can think of that Indigenous communities were able to put their rights, their life ways, at the same level as the business interest. You know, the force of the tribe that: we’re never going to stop here, failure’s not an option. But I also think the tipping point was the decision Berkshire Hathaway made to support this project, they really stepped up, and equally valuing diverse interest. I think that’s such a good model of how we can move forward with resource development, and also resource restoration.

Amy Cordalis, General Council of the Yurok Tribe

Who would have thought, listening to people actually helped us understand. So there are a few things to take from this. For one, people are powerful when they’re together and have a voice. Indingenous folks in this country have faced the brunt of colonialism since the start, but still they fight for what is rightfully theirs. Hopefully, this case will become a wondrous precedent for future movements of tribes to reclaim what is rightfully their own, especially when everyone is working together. Electing leaders who listen to their concerns and genuinely act on them. 

We may not know what the future holds. FERC could introduce a new order, legislation could change how these operations work out, or another Indigenous landmark could be put in danger. But if nothing else, this ordeal has shown the strength of these Tribes and what comes from elected officials who genuinely care—who DO something. So, look forward to 2023 for a damless Klamath, take the time to listen to Indigenous folks, and take the time to make some noise for them.

For Redwood Voice, I’m Persephone Rose. This is how we got here.

Press Release: Yurok Tribe Closes Reservation in Response to Rapid Increase in COVID Cases On and Off Tribal Territory

The following is a press release from the Yurok Tribe.

In response to the rapidly increasing number of COVID-19 cases in the region, the Yurok Tribal Council voted to close the Yurok Reservation for three weeks starting today.

“We are taking every available precaution to protect our elders, individuals with preexisting health conditions and the whole community. Since the start of this emergency, we have exercised an abundance of caution because we know the potential impacts of widespread disease,” said Joseph L. James, the Chairman of the Yurok Tribe. “We will reopen when we see a consistent decline in infection rates. The closure is one part of a comprehensive plan to prevent the spread of the illness.”

“We need everyone to play active role in stopping the spread of the virus,” said Serene Hayden, the Yurok Tribe’s Incident Commander. “We strongly encourage residents to practice all of the personal safety measures, such as wearing a face covering in public, avoiding large gatherings and staying home as much as possible.”

To date, there have been 15 COVID-19 cases on the reservation, ten of which were confirmed late last week. In addition to wearing a mask while outside of the home, reservation residents are advised to refrain from travelling off-reservation unless it is for essential purposes, such as medical appointments and visits to the grocery store. COVID-19 testing is available five days per week in Klamath and Weitchpec.

The COVID-19 Temporary Closure Order applies to nearly all non-residents. Those authorized to enter the reservation include but are not limited to the following: essential Tribal staff, law enforcement, emergency medical personnel, commercial service providers, social service providers and through travelers driving on the local highways and county roads.

On March 13, 2020, the Yurok Tribal Council declared a state of emergency to activate the Tribe’s incident management team. In early April, the Tribe closed the reservation following a local rise in COVID-19 cases. A phased reopening of the reservation began in October when there were far fewer instances of the illness and local non-essential businesses were allowed to resume operations on a modified scale. The conditions did not permit a full reopening. However, the tribal government is functioning at full capacity with non-emergency staff working from home.

The Yurok Office of Emergency Services recently moved the Yurok Reservation to Tier 1 on the community risk level chart, which is the most restrictive stage. Humboldt and Del Norte Counties are also in Tier 1.

All non-essential tribal buildings are currently closed. Pem-mey and Pek-Tah Fuel Marts were deemed essential. Both facilities have altered operations to keep patrons and staff safe. The Redwood Hotel Casino is closed to tourists, but essential personnel will continue to occupy a small number of rooms.

The Yurok Tribe has mounted a comprehensive effort to confront the public health, social and economic aspects of the COVID-19 crisis. Tribal staff have delivered thousands of food boxes and PPE to Yurok elders. Students have received high quality distance learning tools. The Tribe implemented a forgivable loan program for Yurok businesses. It has also distributed direct aid to Yurok elders, families and individuals as well as many other types of assistance too.

For additional information on the Tribe’s COVID-19 response effort, please visit or the Tribal government’s primary social media pages. If you have a question, please call the Yurok Tribe’s COVID-19 hotline at 1-888-225-8952.