Category Archives: Community News

7 Ballot Questions and Road Work Ahead— Redwood Voice Community News

The 8-31-2022 News Broadcast, as aired on KFUG LP Crescent City 101.1 FM and streaming online at

AUGUST 31st, 2020—For Redwood Voice Community News from Redwood Voice Youth Media and KFUG Community Radio, today’s news: the Beachfront Park transformation is almost underway; Road work ahead on Endert’s and 5th street; 7 questions on YOUR ballot; and fire containment remains just out of reach for now. All this and our regular segments from the Pacific Radio Network and National Native News.

Redwood Voice Community News airs every weekday at noon, with a rebroadcast at 5pm. You can listen anywhere in Del Norte County on 101.1 FM, or worldwide streaming on!

Blue-Green Algae Blooms & Fires on the Klamath—Redwood Voice Community News

The 8-30-2022 News Broadcast, as aired on KFUG LP Crescent City 101.1 FM and streaming online at

AUGUST 30th, 2022—For RVCN, from Redwood Voice Youth Media and KFUG Community Radio, today’s news: 3 wildfires blazed by the Klamath River; California assists it neighbor to the north, blue-green algae runs amok in the Klamath River, and CASA is looking for help. All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

Redwood Voice Community News airs every weekday at noon, with a rebroadcast at 5pm. You can listen anywhere in Del Norte County on 101.1 FM, or worldwide streaming on!

Maiden Lane Shooting, Board Letter-Writing, & Wildfires Ahoy—Redwood Voice Community News

The 8-29-2022 News Broadcast, as aired on KFUG LP Crescent City 101.1 FM and streaming online at

AUGUST 29th, 2022—For RVCN, from Redwood Voice Youth Media and KFUG Community Radio, today’s news: Del Norte Sheriff asks for YOUR help solving a murder, Del Norte Board of Soups write a letter and opt to NOT write another, one wildfire fizzles while another sizzles, and kids these days—why aren’t they going to college? All this and our regular segments from the Pacifica Radio Network and National Native News.

Redwood Voice Community News airs every weekday at noon, with a rebroadcast at 5pm. You can listen anywhere in Del Norte County on 101.1 FM, or worldwide streaming on!

Dee-ni’ Day is Coming, September 10th – Traditional Volunteers Needed!

The audio version of this story, as was made for air on KFUG Community News. Report by Persephone Rose. Song used is a Tolowa Dee-ni’ Gambling song performed by Loren Bommelyn, Carl James, Sam Lopez, Walter Richards, Sr., & Frederick Scott, Jr.

The Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation is excited to announce that they are planning for this year’s Dee-ni’ Day! Save the date – Saturday, September 10th from 10:00am – 4:00pm at the Howonquet Hall Community Center at 101 Indian Ct in Smith River. All are invited to the family-friendly event, which will involve food and craft vendors, cultural demonstrations, indigenous work shows, gambling, touch-a-truck, stick games, and much, much more!

Official flier from the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation.

This is the 15th annual Dee-ni’ day—a day to celebrate the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation’s people and culture. Originating from their own take on the “Indian Day” observances you may find on the calendar, like October 1st, or the more formally worded Native American Heritage Day, November 25th. These days, different as they are across the nation for the various peoples who celebrate them, have evolved with the modern day cultures of the tribe, a demonstration that these tribes are still here. Honoring this day as their own, Dee’ni Day has become a sort of fair—a cultural carnival of delights where crafts, food, and games are shared with everyone who wishes to partake, whether they are a member of the tribe or not.

To fulfill their hopes on this year’s decade and a half milestone, the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation is seeking people to fill various roles. These roles include a traditional salmon cooks to assist with the 5:30pm dinner and a traditional sand bread cook to assist throughout the day (all tools and ingredients provided, just requiring the hands to work them.) They are also a seeking a stick game organizer to organize a stick game tournament and/or scrimmage, including coordination with Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation Staff on development of gameplay rules that will be applied to various ages and brackets.

The full, original posting on the Tolowa Dee’ni Nation’s website.

For more information on any of these roles, and to reach out if you’re interested, visit the Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation’s website under this bid posting.

Please save the date and join the tribe for this family-friendly event! You can visit their website for more information, to fulfill roles, or to sign up as a vendor at this year’s Dee-ni’ Day, all, once more, at

Del Norte County’s Proposed Tobacco Retail License Died In a Joint City and County Meeting

The original audio piece for KFUG Community Radio, Report by Grant Meriwether & Monique Camarena

On Tuesday, March 29th, The Del Norte County Board of Supervisors and Crescent City Council met to discuss the proposal of a county-wide TRL (tobacco retail license) over a joint meeting. This TRL would authorize that any and all flavored vape products be controlled more heavily than what the current county policies state. This could mean anything from controlling which stores can sell them all the way to a complete ban. 

This meeting arose following both the City Council and County Board of Supervisors’ separate meetings with the youth group STORM (Standing Together and Overcoming Addiction with a Radical Movement). STORM wanted to discuss implementing a TRL because of the growing number of youth who’ve begun to use these products solely due to their enticing flavors. The City Council and Board of Supervisors decided during these past meetings that it would be better if they collaborated on ways to apply the TRL and tackle the youth vaping issue, instead of approaching them as separate governmental organizations. 

There was a long discussion during the March 29th meeting concerning the impact a TRL would have on our community. They considered whether or not it would be effective, whether it should be the government’s responsibility to keep its youth safe, if it would be worth the costs, etc. The only members who seemed to be in favor of the TRL were City Council member Blake Inscore and Board of Supervisor member Valerie Starkey.

“Well I’ll just say that I started as a probation officer with the county in 1986, and when I started there, they still allowed you to smoke at your desk. So we would be there, and then all the studies came in about how harmful secondhand smoke was, and so people took action and we stopped secondhand smoke in that confined area.[…] I feel it’s just our modern day debate on what we’re going to do to protect those around us. So for me, I understand it is a government overreach and I’m not for that. However, we have to look at what we’re going to do for our community, and that message that our community wants to send is that we value our youth, we protect our youth, and we are going to do everything that we can from this position to keep the vapes and the flavored tobacco and nicotine away from our youth. That’s the message that, personally, I want to be sending to our community. Are they going to get it? That’s another problem for another day. Does the school have to come up with some more enforcement? That’s another problem for another day. Here today we’re talking about: What can we do as the policy makers in this community to minimize it and limit it? And that’s why I’m supporting the tobacco retail license.” said Starkey, when explaining her support for the TRL.

Inscore, when talking about the meeting, said, “One of the interesting things to me is how often the concept of government overreach is tossed around and yet we’ve all lived through that and we live in that every day. Well, the bottom line is lots of us thought that with car seats or anything else. What are the going to do next? Are they going to tell us that we can’t take our kids with us in the car at all? And I just think that we need to have enough confidence in our local elected officials to not say: What’s next? I mean honestly, to imply that those of who are trying to represent this community that somehow we’re in this to try and make your lives worse, or that we want to regulate everything, or we want to take away all your rights, I find that personally very offensive. That that’s what people would think my goal is. My goal is to try and represent this community the best I can, keep people safe the best I can, and I’ve tried to do that during my tenure, and I think that this is an important issue. I’ll standby what I said before, I support a TRL, limited, and I support consistency between city and county. I think that is absolutely crucial. It needs to be the exact same ordinance. And I implore us, as policy makers to come to a place where we can find what we can do together as opposed to battling with whether or not we should do anything.”

All the other members were against the proposed TRL for several different reasons. Councilmember Beau Smith opposed the TRL, saying, ”Its nice to see that teenagers haven’t changed much since I was a teenager. We do dumb stuff, and then Valerie said something about what can we do right here right now, so I got into a conversation with my wife last night about our daughters, and what I can do right here right now is trust my daughters to make the right choice. Trust that the youth are going to make the right choice and not the wrong choices. I do think we need more education in the schools. As far as the Tobacco Retail License, I know kids are doing it everywhere and its going to happen and they’ll make dumb choices. I do think we’re stretching a bit on this, I don’t see an end to this. If we’re going to do this, it doesn’t stop. It just keeps going. I’m responsible for my daughter, your parents are responsible for you guys. Let me be responsible for my kid.” 

Mayor Greenough, who also opposed the TRL, stated, “I understand that this is a big issue, and I care about our kids, and I don’t what them to smoke. I’m not a smoker but there are also other issues in our community and in our country that have to be taken into consideration, and it’s a very complex issue. It’s not a simple issue, and we’ve been talking about this for quite some time, and it seems we haven’t come to consensus. There are always more questions and that’s helping too. In order to fix a problem, you have to have clarity of what that problem is and hammer that down. Bringing it back to what we’re discussing with this TRL, I really don’t like the model. There’s already structure in place at the state and federal level. I really believe that we on the local level need to enforce federal and state law the best we can, in that sense I believe we really need to try to look at our business licensing and see where we can maybe enhance our authority in that. If a business decides that they’re not going to follow state or federal law, they shouldn’t be allowed to do business. I think there should be, both in the city and in the county, the ability to say, sorry If you’re not following state or federal law, you’re out. so I kinda want to go more in that direction instead of a Tobacco Retail License.”

One alternative that was brought up by some of the members was to require increased enforcement of state laws, rather than creating the same laws locally, such as having our local officers do a certain number of annual checkups on local businesses. Chief Griffin had some concerns on how that would be done, stating, “[…] Just keep us involved in the conversation for that because one enforcement operation, because if we’re doing it at the county, You’re talking 4 deputies. Where are you taking those deputies from right now when we’re having staffing issues that the active sheriff talks about not even doing our service because they’re down? You put that one extra 4 hour shift on somebody, now you shift their schedule, and they’re not getting enough sleep. That’s extra stress and everything. There is realities to that. We’re not opposed to by any means. At all. On our end we do have that grant position that is more focused to the schools, its going to be a reality, its going to also include tobacco enforcement. It’ll give an extra tool on our tool belt, once we can use it, when its reported. […] Our school resource officer spends, what, two hours a day dealing with the mental health subject at Crescent Elk. That takes them out for at least, minimum dealing with the call, an hour. Then you have to write the paperwork. Then you have to do a report. […] Please just keep that in mind, that’s all I’m asking you. We are tasked a lot with everything we’re doing already. Funding is one thing, but what are we going to do. I would encourage the city council look at a full time uniform code enforcement officer at this point, between the marijuana and between anything else, if your expectation is to go above and beyond what’s going on with enforcement because the reality is, I’ve got guys and girls that are 10,12 reports down, then I have to say, hey, go enforce the tobacco.”

Our elected officials face the audience as everyone prepares for the meeting to begin.

Our elected officials weren’t the only ones with opinions and propositions about the proposed TRL. Community members also spoke up, including members of storm as well as leaders in local business and politics. During the public comment section of this meeting, one member of STORM, Sriya Joshi, brought her experiences up to the board and council, saying, So I think an important point to make that has been brought up is that, students aren’t just vaping in schools, there has been some initiative taking place, and there’s been times I’ve went to the bathrooms and there’s sometimes hall monitors in there, so it has become less of a problem at the school, but the thing is that students are still vaping because it’s an addiction. […] They’re doing it in their cars, there doing it with their friends, they’re posting on social media. Like I said before, its an addiction, so stopping it at the school is not going to stop the problem. Another important point to make is how the education method isn’t working. Students know its bad for them but they don’t really care if they think ahead about how it’s going to impact their future. Teachers also don’t have the time or curriculum to properly educate students on vaping. They, quite frankly, have more important things to do, y’know they’re teachers. As youth we’re told all the time that things are bad for us. Cellphones are bad, sugar is bad, energy drinks are bad, all these things are bad yet everyone is still using them, and they’re advertised everywhere. Its been a problem for a long time and if simply educating youth on how bad it is was the answer, this wouldn’t be a problem anymore. More needs to be done. Why let students jeopardize their health and get addicted to these products by allowing them to stay on the market, especially when so many kids are vaping and starting to vape at younger ages. We’re asking you to help us. We think the most effective thing to do would be to get rid of flavors altogether. we hope that our voices and experiences can influence each of you to do what is right for us and the community.”

David Gearheart is the owner of High Tide Vapes in Crescent City, and he is willing to support an end to youth purchasing tobacco products.Another thing, A Tobacco Retail License, I already have one. It is enforced by, I’m assuming grants have gone out to DNSO because they’ve been in my store several times. Sherriff Apperson congratulated my store at a public meeting, that we have passed every time they have sent someone in, they didn’t even make it as far as inside the door before they were asked for their ID. That’s how strong we believe. I agree with the Tobacco Free Del Norte, all the people like that, not one child should have nicotine, not one child should have a vape product. I’m in total agreement and I own a vape store. the reason I’m in agreement with that is because I started smoking when young, as a child, and I smoked for 41 years, so I don’t want kids having it either. I’ll tell you right now, we don’t sell to kids, we are adamant about it. I know every law related to vaping because I want to make sure that we are following the law. So anything I can do to help, I’m there for you guys.”

Karen Sanders, the leader of the Del Norte Republican Party made some outlandish claims, as she tried to turn a matter of youth safety into a partisan issue. “So first of all I just want everyone to know I’m 100% against tobacco. I grew up in a home where both my parents smoked and I had nothing to do with it, but this is a slippery slope. What’s next? This is government overreach. Did you know that right now the state is trying to ram through 9 bills that are legislating mandating the vaccine for public health. That is an overreach, that is authoritarianism. What’s next? Is this ordinance or license a form of mandated reverse, this is regulating business. In a sense I think this is, they’re being used in a sense because this law is actually for businesses and not for the high school. Why is this only about tobacco, why isn’t it about weed, or cannabis, or marijuana. Instead of putting this on the backs of business and using the long arm overreach of government, why not enforce what’s on the books. I know we had a lot of discussions on that. If the problem is at the high school, and by the way they’re all minors right, why not enforce what’s there at the school, or has authority been lost to enforce the rules. The school needs to enforce, and at home it needs to be enforced. If its about a funding issue, let there be additional funding at the school level. Why not instruct and educate our youth about the ramifications of tobacco and vaping. Why not teach them to think for themselves. There are natural consequences the more we stifle our children from learning how to be responsible for their own actions, and the more this country say county, city, will be turning into a socialist, communist state. This is not going to be the only moral issue in their life they’ll have to figure out what to do and not to do. As Jerry said, we have laws on the books that we adhere to, why would this be any different.”

Project director at Norcal 4 Health, Amber weir, responded to this comment the next day in a zoom meeting with the Del Norte high school principal, saying, “The head of the republican party, when we talked about these issues, came up and used political language, and they need to get out of that, right? let’s talk about what the issue is, right here and not like, we’re becoming socialist society and you’re using our children as pawns, or whatever she said. I want to avoid politics on it and actually talk about the issue.”

Another public comment came from Robert Butler, who shares some of the same concerns of the city leaders regarding how funding a TRL might be a financial burden. He stated, “First of all, this shouldn’t be a burden on taxpayers, it should be a burden on the tobacco companies. Measure R is in doubt. It will probably be repealed, leaving a big void in our funding. So going with a big expensive program to maybe fix this, I don’t think is right. I can’t go to Walmart without being carded to buy a can of spray paint. Why can’t we have something like that in place for vaping products? Have we tried to, or looked at, raising the tax on vaping products in the county to put them out of reach? Or maybe generating some income to fight this? I just wonder what else we could do, but I don’t think costly regulation is going to be the answer.

Jay Mcubbrey, the director of tobacco-free north coast, says there has been high success with the implementation of TRL’s in other counties, and is willing to provide the resources for our city and county. “Without local control we are really stuck in the waters without any way to enforce local or state laws. SB 793 was brought up, it provides no local money for enforcement, and the stake act, and other statewide laws are focused on other issues like tax evasion and reducing illegal sales, but with very little enforcement resources. Through my project, Tobacco Free North Coast, and the work I do in California’s tobacco control program, I’ve worked with Morin county, Alameda county, all these jurisdictions have passed Tobacco Retail Licenses laws with no negative impact on businesses. Some businesses in alameda county for example, over 1,000 tobacco retailers, 17 of them specifically relied on sales of flavored tobacco products, they switched over to clothing, jewelry and continued to sell unflavored tobacco products. None of them went out of business. So we can be assured that these kinds of policies are not going to hurt people and I think you’ll find that most retailers are supportive of them. The idea of fees was brought up, and I want you to know that Tobacco Free North Coast, we’re funded for another 2 years. I live and work in Humboldt county but I work with the TUPP program, over 20 years on and off, and we have resourced to provide educational materials, to work with county and city systems to develop enforcement protocols and procedures and we can do all the initial education and outreach to merchants that would be required if and when the city and county decided to adopt policies with the minimum TRL requirements, Tobacco Retail Licensing that would be, each business requires an annual, non-transferable license, but they ban the sale of flavored tobacco, and that the annual license fee is enough to continue ongoing administration and enforcement, and if that’s the kinda policy you guys wanna work with, just the base, that’s good enough for us and we’ll be there to back you up with no cost to the city or the county.”

During this 3 hour meeting, the City Council and Board agreed that they must work together if they decide to continue to pursue the TRL and tackle the issue of youth vaping. But with the very little support the license had from the city council and county board of supervisors by the end of the meeting, it seems that hope is lost for those looking for a TRL.

When asked about her opinions on the meeting, Storm member Sinai Pena said, “It was very unproductive. The members of the board were unable to compromise with our several options for the tobacco retail license and it’s frustrating. We spent a lot of time researching and educating, so for them to not listen and switch the conversation towards different topics was also disappointing. Honestly, I think instead of spending their time looking at what was wrong with the license, they should’ve tried to accommodate it to what they deemed the best. This problem won’t be solved unless there’s something done, and relying on parenting alone hasn’t worked, and won’t ever work.  It’s not government overreach. It is just a license that would help our youth and our community in general.”

On March 30th, the day following the joint meeting about the TRL, the Del Norte High School principal, Alison Eckhart, held a Zoom roundtable to discuss what policies the high school currently has in place and what could potentially be introduced in order to combat students’ vaping. Despite the invitation being sent out to all parents, very few people attended. 

Eckart shared some of the policies the high school already has in place, including heavy monitoring of common vape locations. “We’ve heard that there’s vaping, and that kids won’t go to the bathroom because its so disgusting and they can’t breath. My trickle down effect is that students are now harming their body because they can’t go to a bathroom, or there’s 20 kids in the bathroom. Like, that’s real. What we try to do is randomly lock bathrooms during class periods and we don’t tell kids which one is open, and then we look for the group of kids that meet 10 after 10 in B hall, and we look and we try to do some searches, to be honest with you. That’s the other thing, we are searching kids. We have that ability, administrators, we have that right to search children because they’re here, and if we have reasonable suspicion, we have different legal abilities than officers do because we’re talking about the safety of children as opposed to looking for people breaking the law, we’re looking to protect kids. We need to do something, and again if you get caught, you throw it away, what then? That’s not the answer but its certainly a good start.”

Eckart also brought up some other ideas the high school is looking into as a possible solution. “What we could do is ask for support […] say, can we get grade level appropriate tobacco and anti-vaping lesson plans. Y’know we do it with a lot of other things, so why not? And that might be a really good push for this side of the house, here is the lesson planning and we definitely used to do it in the after school program. I know Amber and I kinda go way back there, with years of the after school programs, where a lot of that was dropped into, and if we can say as a community, its so much of an issue that we’re going to spend a week on it in our English, or Science, or Math, things like that. If we can say that’s what we want.

She also expressed her support for the TRL, and told her attendees how hard it’s been to tackle vaping at the high school. “The more we talk about it, y’know I’m very much behind amber and crystal’s, the TRL, the smoke free multi-housing that are happening in the county and the city, it feels a little more dire, I think here, because its a safety concern. The other thing we are talking about, and saying at my school, is saying, we don’t know the long term effects of vaping because its just so new, so these kids really don’t know the long term effects.”

After this, people in the meeting began to present ideas about what they think could be done about youth vaping as well as their personal experiences with it. One parent talked about how their own child had been a frequent vaper without them knowing. Amber Weir then shared how many parents deny that their child vapes, but in reality, it was just happening without their knowledge. “I have to say, I’ve had so many parents speak out and say their kid doesn’t do this and when I ask the kids [Storm members], does that kid do it? They’re like, Yeah. They do. Parents don’t know. Good parents don’t know. All parents. its coming together as a community to raise our kids. We need help to do this.”

When asked about whether or not STORM would continue to try to get a version of the TRL passed, Crystal Yang said that they would be pursuing a TRL.  but they’ll take a step back for now and try to come up with another strategy as well as focus on educating the community. 

What Expecting Mothers of Del Norte Need to Know About COVID-19 Immunization

Expecting mothers are worried about how COVID-19 immunization will affect themselves and their growing baby during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Tens of thousands of pregnant women have been immunized with no complications, and they will pass along antibodies for COVID to the infant while nursing. 

Nevertheless, few pregnant women in Del Norte County are immunized against COVID-19. With our high rates of disease transmission and the fact that pregnant women get more sick when they contract the virus, immunization is urgent. 

For more information, check out our video and visit .

COVID-19 and How it Threatens the Homeless of Del Norte County

Homelessness SUCKS. Food insecurity, exposure to the elements, and insufficient rest all contribute to that difficult life. And because of these factors, the COVID-19 pandemic is even more threatening to people who are homeless. 

Luckily, there are steps an unhoused person can take to protect themselves! Wearing a mask, using hand sanitizer, getting immunized, and safely socially isolating as much as possible are things they can do to help keep themselves safe. Del Norte county has many resources that offer help.

Masks and sanitizers are available at:

-Rural Human Services on 286 M Street

-The Department of Health and Human Services on 880 Northcrest Drive

-Community Assistance Network on 355 Standard Veneer

Yurok Tribe, KCSD sign permit to upgrade Klamath water system

The following is a PSA from the Yurok Tribe:

The Yurok Tribe and the Klamath Community Services District signed a permit to initiate the installation of a much needed 125,000 gallon water tank on a tribally owned property in Klamath Using a combination of general fund and Indian Health Service grant dollars, the Tribe is funding the design and implementation of this forward looking project, which will greatly improve KCSD’s water storage capacity.

“We are happy to work with KCSD on making our community more water secure,” said Joseph L. James, Chairman of the Yurok Tribe. “In addition to improving water security, the new tank will support the ongoing expansion of our Tribe. Right now, we are in the middle of a major growth period. We are starting new businesses, creating jobs and building recreation al facilities for all reservation residents. I would like to thank the Indian Health Service for investing in our community.”

“I am really excited about this project and what it means for our community,” added Yurok Tribal Council Member Ryan Ray, who represents the Requa District. “I look forward to working with KCSD so that together we can ensure the water system has the capacity to meet the community’s needs now and in the future. We need a system that can support the growth of our community, especially when it comes to facilities like the emergency operation center. The signing of the agreement represents the first step toward the completion of this critically important project.”

Signed by Chairman James and KCSD Board President Margaret Caldwell, the permit allows the services district to construct the new tank on tribal lands. The KCSD will own and operate the system. The Tribe has already completed the engineering work for the tank installation. The Yurok Planning and Community Development Department will soon distribute a request for bids, which will be used to select a contractor to implement the project.

Crescent City’s Teens Speak Out About Youth Vaping

As a young person in Del Norte, I have seen that vaping is an issue affecting other young people. And I’m not the only one to notice this. A group of Del Norte High School students, part of the organization, Storm,which stands for,  standing together and overcoming addiction with a radical movement. led by the NorCal4Health project director, Amber Wier, Went to the City Council meeting on Monday, January 10th, asking them to help with stopping vaping issue hurting our fellow teens. Storm told the council about their experiences with vaping and to ask the city to implement a tobacco retail license, especially one that would ban flavored vape products or limit the places where youth can see these products, with some of the members giving personal stories of their families experiences and some sharing more overall experiences that the youth faced. 

When the members of STORM were giving their presentation and sharing their stories, some members had brought up that it was impossible to use the restroom during their breaks, and Council Member Smith said,

 “I’m very very concerned that its that big of a problem at Del Norte County High School, where all the kids go to, and the reason I’m concerned is because obviously the staff isn’t doing anything about it. That’s my concern, where’s the staff? Where’s the staff when this is going on in the bathrooms?”

But what would you want the school to do? The current admins are already busy enough dealing with what they already have to do, and even if they hired new people for this, it would cause outrage in a second. Think about this, if the school hired people just to watch their kids inside the bathroom, every single parent would be calling to complain about the invasion of privacy going on at the school, and if they were outside the room, it would be impossible to catch anyone vaping since it’s so easy to hide. Vape pens can be slightly larger than a USB drive. It’s really easy to hide it in a sleeve, glove, pocket, or even in a backpack. In order for the school to be able to catch these vapes, there would be a huge price to pay in the privacy of students, and also a price on the taxpayers for the school to be able to afford the new monitoring systems. And on top of that, no matter what the school put in place, the students could still have their vapes 

When the meeting was going on, I decided to contact youth I knew who vaped and tried to find out what their experience with vaping is. None of them wanted to share their names, but I’ll let you know what they told me. I asked all of them if they use nicotine vapes or something else, and if they were flavored. All but 1 told me that they used nicotine vapes, and EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. told me that they have only used flavored vapes. One of them told me, “Yes. the flavored ones are the only ones people get, they’re targeted at teenagers. Everyone knows its bad. It’s just the mentality.” When the youth themselves are saying that they only use the flavored vapes, its something we should consider taking action against. 

The council also talked about how they thought this was a parenting issue, with members saying,

Smith: “Us as a local government, it’s not our job to parent these kids. It’s their parents’s job.” 

Inscore: “I agree”

Greenough: “And I’ll just kinda piggyback off that, It really feels like we’re gonna try and parent the parents by limiting their choices.”

But it ignores where most of the students are getting their vapes, Their friends. When talking to these people who vaped, some of them told be they didn’t want their name attached, just because they were worried of their parents finding out, because their parents didn’t know about it, so if the parents don’t know their kids vape, it’s not something that the parents can fix. 

I also asked them how their friends who did buy them got their vapes. I was told that some of them did buy them in town, and while this wasn’t all of them, it’s something to consider since even one of the store owners said in the meeting, “The state can pull my license if I sell underage.” but someone is still selling them to youth, so the current California licenses don’t completely stop these sales since it’s still happening. 

After the presentation, when the board was discussing if they should do anything, Council Member Inscore said,

“Does big tobacco have the right to try to make money in our community? And if you guys don’t see it that way I’ll respect your opinions, but the bottom line is you’re defending the right for big business to make money at the expense of the health of our citizens, and we know that. There’s no doubt that that’s what they’re doing. They’re making billions of dollars at the cost of our health.”

At the end of the discussion, the council agreed to discuss this further at a late meeting. 

The whole discussion between Storm, The City Council, and the public comments was really interesting to watch, and I’d recommend anyone who has some free time to watch it. It’s available at the City of Crescent City, California Youtube page, with the video that was streamed live on January 10th, 2022, , with the vaping  discussion happening between 42:00 and 2:39:14

I’ll finish this off by saying one last thing. People often say that the youth are our future, and  right now, some of the youth are telling you that vaping is a problem and that it is hurting their future. Maybe we should listen to them and see what’s going on