Category Archives: Community News

Local Education Officials Are Monitoring Changes at the Federal Level, But Don’t Anticipate Major Impacts

Thumbnail: Del Norte Unified School District logo

Del Norte County’s top education official said he doesn’t anticipate a major impact if the Trump administration makes good on its threat to shut the U.S. Department of Education down.

Del Norte County Unified School District Superintendent Jeff Harris told trustees Thursday that he foresees responsibilities being shifted to other departments at the federal level. There is concern about the Trump administration stopping discretionary dollars that had gone to the Department of Education, but Congressionally-mandated monies likely won’t disappear, Harris said.

“There will be government agencies that oversee them potentially,” he said. “If there is a reduction in funding — we call them Title Funds — just know there are always reductions in Title Funds and always increases to Title Funds. We’ll keep an eye on those as we go ahead.”

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Del Norte Open Door Community Health Center Showcases New State-of-the-Art Mobile Clinic

Thumbnail, video, and photos by Redwood Voice Reporter Aisling Bludworth.

Del Norte Open Door Community Health Center showcased their new state-of-the-art Mobile Clinic to the community at an open house on February 12th.

With a history of mobile services spanning over 50 years, Open Door’s newest addition is providing outreach in Del Norte County, with a current focus on the homeless community. Funded through the Health Resources and Services Administration-American Rescue Plan Act grant, anyone is able to walk into this mobile clinic and receive medical care.

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Harbor District Will Consider Fireworks Regulations

Photo by Jessica Cejnar Andrews

A new set of Crescent City Harbor commissioners on Tuesday will discuss a fireworks ordinance that proposes the same fines Del Norte County adopted in a similar ordinance last year.

The proposed regulations regarding fireworks come after 14 people, including a 3-year-old boy, were injured in an explosion that took place on South Beach last Fourth of July.

According to the Harbor District’s staff report, the ordinance follows a model ordinance the California State Fire Marshal issued. Adopting the ordinance will allow the Harbor District to regulate the possession, sale, use, storage and display of fireworks within its jurisdiction.

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Ocean Gold Seafood Gets Hoist Lease, Promises To Reopen Crescent City Ice Plant

Photo by Paul Critz

Crescent City Harbor commissioners are holding a Westport, Washington-based seafood buyer to its promise to reopen the ice plant Pacific Seafood shuttered in October.

The Harbor District last week entered into lease agreements with Ocean Gold Seafoods to operate hoists on Citizens Dock and to produce ice locally. If the company fails to reopen the plant within six months, the Harbor District will consider that a default of its lease, Interim Harbormaster Mike Rademaker told Redwood Voice Community News on Feb. 10.

“This gives us the confidence the commitment will be fulfilled,” he said via email. “Restoring essential ice production is critical to maintaining the quality of our local seafood as it reaches the marketplace.”

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Del Norte Supes OK Retirement Benefit Asset Transfer to PARS Trust, Call For Guidelines Governing Proposed Withdrawals

Photo by Aisling Bludworth

Public Agencies Retirement Service representative Matt Spooner repeated a comment he made to county supervisors a month ago, that a Section 115 Trust with his firm was a “savings account on steroids.”

But contrary to a statement one supervisor made at the Jan. 14 meeting, Spooner, County Administrative Officer Neal Lopez and District 5 representative Dean Wilson said Tuesday that Del Norte couldn’t use dollars it places in that trust for anything other than meeting its pension and other post-employment benefit obligations.

Yet, supervisors Valery Starkey and Darrin Short still sought guidance on how the trust funds could be used. Starkey said that any proposal to access money in the Section 115 Trust should come before the Board of Supervisors and be approved with a 4/5ths vote. That way the public could weigh in, she said.

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Del Norte’s Emergency Homeless Shelter, Micro Village Could Start Housing Individuals By September, DHHS Director Says

Department of Health and Human Services Director Ranell Brown says a new 60-bed emergency homeless shelter should be finished by June and accepting individuals by September. | Image courtesy of Del Norte County

Efforts to create a pathway out of homelessness on Williams Drive are progressing now that rubble from the county’s old mental health building has been cleared.

In her first update to the Del Norte County Board of Supervisors since August, Department of Health and Human Services Director Ranell Brown said Tuesday the county has purchased container units for the restrooms and commercial kitchen that will serve the micro village and 60-bed emergency shelter. Contractors are expected to finish renovating a modular structure that will house the program’s wraparound supports next month.

Though the county still needs to finalize the agreement with a contractor to build the shelter, Brown said it should be finished by June, weather permitting. She told supervisors that DHHS staff and Del Norte Mission Possible representatives are confident the entire endeavor can be completed by the end of August.

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Curry County’s Finance Director Says $2.7 Million in Federal COVID Dollars Went Unaccounted For

Curry County’s finance director used a scatalogical expletive to describe the knot she and the county treasurer had to untangle to answer a federal inquiry about unaccounted for COVID relief dollars.

Keina Wolf told commissioners Wednesday she and Curry County Treasurer Nick Vicino spent the final hours of 2024 addressing an email from the US Department of Treasury stating that out of a total of about $4.4 million in American Rescue Plan money, only $1.734 million had been accounted for.

Wolf, who became Curry County’s finance director in February 2024, had taken exception to a public commenter who asked how she could have missed the un-accounted for balance of about $2.7 million.

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Local “Night To Shine” Shines Bright

The stretch Hummer maneuvers carefully between the buildings, getting as close as it can to the main entrance where a knot of people wait expectantly. The big building at the Del Norte County Fairgrounds is already teeming with guests and volunteers; light and music pour from the open double doors. An older woman in a long gown steps from the Humvee and pauses to hike her dress up and show a friend her satin bloomers and fancy shoes. 

It’s Del Norte’s Night To Shine — an annual faith-based celebration for the special needs community, a community that doesn’t ordinarily have events like this thrown for them. Part of a worldwide celebration, the Night To Shine was founded in 2014 by the Tim Tebow Foundation, and is celebrated the Friday before Valentine’s Day in 800 cities across the United States, and in other locales as far-flung as Burkina Faso and the Philippines. 

Each Night To Shine follows the same script, as the Tebow foundation’s website explains: “Each event is unique to its location, but some cornerstone activities included across all of them are a red carpet entrance complete with a warm welcome from a friendly crowd and paparazzi, hair and makeup stations, shoeshines, limousine rides, karaoke, gifts, a catered dinner, a Sensory Room, a Respite Room for parents and caregivers, dancing, and a crowning ceremony where every guest is honored as a King or a Queen — the way God sees them each and every day.”

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Del Norte BOS To Consider Transferring Retirement Benefit Assets To Private Trust; Firm’s Rep To Give Presentation

Thumbnail photo by Paul Critz

Del Norte County Supervisors on Tuesday will discuss transferring assets from a California Public Employees Retirement System-managed trust to one managed by a private firm.

Public Agencies Retirement Service (PARS) Senior Consultant Matt Spooner is also expected to give a presentation to the Board about his firm’s 115 OPEB Prefunding Program and Pension Rate Stabilization Program.

The Board of Supervisors last month approved establishing the Section 115 Trust with PARS after Spooner said it would provide greater flexibility when it comes to the county paying its share of its employees pension and other retirement benefits.

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Del Norte High’s First Poetry Out Loud Champion Advances To State Competition

“I have a lot more hope for the future,” 

J.Rowe, one of the three guest teachers participating in Sunset High School’s Poetry Out Loud competition, came from the Sacramento area to teach poetry to local students. She is a social activist and spoken word artist who explores themes of empowerment, social justice and love through her poetry. The students at Sunset High have a lot of big ideas and the courage required to put those ideas into motion, she says. 

“These students I’ve been blessed to work with are very much ahead of their time.” Rowe told Redwood Voice Community News at the Poetry Out Loud Open Mic event Friday.

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