Category Archives: CC Harbor

Del Norte’s New Fireworks Law Aims To Deter Illegal Pyrotechnics Via Fines

Del Norte’s legal counsel called the new fireworks ordinance an administrative tool that uses fines to discourage people from bringing their Roman candles, sky rockets and other “dangerous” pyrotechnics into the community.

California law already makes it a crime to possess “dangerous fireworks,” County Counsel Jacqueline Roberts said Tuesday. These include sky rockets, bottle rockets, Roman candles, aerial shells, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics that explode, go in the air or move on the ground in an uncontrollable manner.

Possessing less than 2,000 pounds in California is “just a misdemeanor,” Roberts told supervisors.

“What this ordinance does is give the county an administrative way of dealing with them — through the fine process,” she said. “It’s sort of another tool in our tool belt to try to deal with the dangerous fireworks situation in town because, as you know, it’s difficult to prosecute criminally, especially when you’re dealing with something as low-level as a misdemeanor. But, perhaps if someone is getting a $1,000 fine, it might deter that behavior.”

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Harry Adams Announces Write-in Candidacy For Harbor District; Del Norte Ballots Mailed This Week

Your Vote Counts badge. | Photo: LALeBan via Wikipedia. Creative Commons License

A familiar face has joined the race for Crescent City Harbor District this election, though Del Norters won’t find him on their ballot.

Harry Adams, who’s currently president of the Harbor District Board of Commissioners, announced Friday that he’s running as a write-in candidate. He’s running against Linda Sutter, Annie Nehmer, Dan Schmidt, Devon Morgante and John Evans. Adams said he submitted the signatures he needed to be an official write-in candidate.

“I just feel like my job wasn’t done yet,” he said. “Why quit when you’re just starting to get good at it? I don’t totally agree that three seats should be vacated at one time.”

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Crescent City Ice Plant Closure Has Community Leaders, Fishing Reps Searching For Alternatives

Pacific Choice Seafood is expected to cease operating the ice plant in Crescent City on Saturday, according to Interim Harbormaster Mike Rademaker. | Photo by Paul Critz

City, county and Harbor District officials are joining a representative of the local fishing community to find a solution for the commercial fleet’s ice needs.

Pacific Choice Seafoods is expected to stop operating the ice plant at the end of Citizens Dock as of Saturday, Interim Harbormaster Mike Rademaker told Redwood Voice Community News on Wednesday.

A mobile ice plant may be a feasible option long term since it doesn’t need much in the way of permitting to establish at the port, said Josh Mims, whose Community Food Council’s Sea-to-Market Project brought local seafood into Del Norte schools. The concern now, however, is ensuring there’s an ice supply available for the Dungeness crab season, which typically opens Dec. 1 on the North Coast.

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Harbor Commissioner Apologizes For Board’s Role In Circumstances Surrounding Harbormaster’s Resignation; More From CC Harbor Meeting

Photos by Gavin Van Alstine

The day after their former CEO’s resignation became official, Crescent City Harbor Commissioner Brian Stone stood at the podium, faced his constituents and apologized.

Stone referred to a verbal altercation he had with then-harbormaster Tim Petrick over staff’s response to the Del Norte County Civil Grand Jury at the Board’s Sept. 17 meeting. On Tuesday, Stone said Petrick was less than forthcoming and that he was continuously denied information about the former harbormaster “continuously.”

Though he wasn’t able to go into detail about what occurred in closed session, Stone spoke to why the Board of Commissioners didn’t fire Petrick.

“Legally, since we are a subdivision of the State of California, we are unable to just fire someone outright. We have to give them a warning and we have to go through the legal steps,” Stone said. “I cannot tell you what was discussed in closed session, but I will tell you this: Mr. Petrick, upon being confronted decided to resign. Now, that’s up to him. I think what needs to happen is true healing on the part of the community as well as reflection by the Board as to what has happened.”

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Harbor Commission Makes Rademaker’s New Leadership Position Official; Interim CEO Says OC Developers Have Shown Interest In RV Parks

Mike Rademaker

Crescent City Harbor commissioners hired Mike Rademaker as interim CEO/harbormaster, Board President Harry Adams announced after a closed session meeting Tuesday.

Rademaker will be interim harbormaster for six months and will receive an annual base salary of $94,000.

Rademaker will also continue to live in a 360-square-foot studio apartment on Harbor District property in exchange for being on-call after business hours, Adams told Redwood Voice Community News on Tuesday.

According to Adams, the Harbor Commission has no current plans to advertise the vacant harbormaster position.

Continue reading Harbor Commission Makes Rademaker’s New Leadership Position Official; Interim CEO Says OC Developers Have Shown Interest In RV Parks

CCHD Board of Commissioners Meeting Gets Heated Amidst Transitionary Period

Tuesday, September 17th marked the 2nd semi-monthly Crescent City Harbor District (CCHD) Board of Commissioners meeting, which was the only meeting of the month as the first (of two) had been canceled without notice, due to Labor Day being the day before.

Tensions seemed high in the meeting room, most likely due to an ongoing Grand Jury investigation, not to mention the fact that 3 out of 5 commissioners are not running for re-election during the upcoming election in November.

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Crescent City’s Tsunami Resiliency Festival

Co-hosted by the Crescent City Harbor District, City of Crescent City, Del Norte Historical Society, and Community System Solutions, March 23rd was our town’s first Tsunami Resiliency Festival. In this video, Redwood Voice’s Ethan Caudill-DeRego is on the scene to cover the event, and the subsequent candle-lit vigil on the 28th.