Category Archives: CC Harbor

Harbor Commissioners Green Light County Collaboration Over Fireworks

Thumbnail photo by Jessica Cejnar Andrews

(Updated at 3:05 p.m. Thursday to correct the date of the Harbor District’s most recent meeting. Commissioners met on Wednesday.)

Eight months after a fireworks explosion sent 14 people to the hospital, Crescent City Harbor commissioners took official steps to try to curb the bedlam that spills over into their jurisdiction every Independence Day.

After learning that Del Norte County wouldn’t enforce its fireworks ordinance within the Harbor District without a memorandum of understanding, three commissioners approved a resolution Tuesday Wednesday authorizing the proposed agreement. But instead of calling for a ban on all fireworks, they decided that the safe and sane variety should be allowed in the marina while requiring a $5 fee for parking at the harbor.

Commissioners Dan Schmidt and Gerhard Weber voted against the proposed resolution.

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Instead of Establishing Their Own Regulations, Crescent City Harbor Plans To Ask County to Modify Its Fireworks Ordinance

Thumbnail photo by Jessica Cejnar Andrews

Though he anticipates room for improvement, Del Norte County Sheriff Garrett Scott says there will be enhanced law enforcement on patrol to avoid a repeat of last year’s explosion that sent 14 people to the hospital.

But while Scott and a committee of other local officials continue to prepare for this year’s Independence Day festivities, the Crescent City Harbor commissioners have decided they don’t have the resources to enforce their own fireworks regulations.

Though Harbormaster Mike Rademaker submitted a draft ordinance modeled on the State Fireworks Law to the Harbor District Board, commissioners on Tuesday directed staff to ask Del Norte County officials to modify the ordinance they’ve had on the books since October.

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Trump’s Freeze on EPA Grants Forces Crescent City Harbor Officials To Pursue Other Funding Options For Boatyard

The Crescent City Harbor District was pursuing an EPA Climate Change grant to revitalize its boatyard following Fashion Blacksmith’s departure. | Photo by Gavin Van Alstine

Crescent City Harbor commissioners say revitalizing the port’s boatyard is still among their top priorities, though the federal grant they hoped to use for the project isn’t likely to arrive.

The Crescent City Harbor District had applied for a $20 million Environmental Protection Agency Climate Change grant. Officials planned to use $13 million of those funds to pay for dredging, new equipment and boat haul-out and pier improvements.

Other proposed uses included securing a long-term source of ice for the fishing fleet and hiring new staff to spearhead construction projects at the harbor.

But, due to a Trump administration decision, that EPA grant program will likely end, Mike Bahr, CEO of Community System Solutions told commissioners on Tuesday.

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Harbor District Will Consider Fireworks Regulations

Photo by Jessica Cejnar Andrews

A new set of Crescent City Harbor commissioners on Tuesday will discuss a fireworks ordinance that proposes the same fines Del Norte County adopted in a similar ordinance last year.

The proposed regulations regarding fireworks come after 14 people, including a 3-year-old boy, were injured in an explosion that took place on South Beach last Fourth of July.

According to the Harbor District’s staff report, the ordinance follows a model ordinance the California State Fire Marshal issued. Adopting the ordinance will allow the Harbor District to regulate the possession, sale, use, storage and display of fireworks within its jurisdiction.

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Ocean Gold Seafood Gets Hoist Lease, Promises To Reopen Crescent City Ice Plant

Photo by Paul Critz

Crescent City Harbor commissioners are holding a Westport, Washington-based seafood buyer to its promise to reopen the ice plant Pacific Seafood shuttered in October.

The Harbor District last week entered into lease agreements with Ocean Gold Seafoods to operate hoists on Citizens Dock and to produce ice locally. If the company fails to reopen the plant within six months, the Harbor District will consider that a default of its lease, Interim Harbormaster Mike Rademaker told Redwood Voice Community News on Feb. 10.

“This gives us the confidence the commitment will be fulfilled,” he said via email. “Restoring essential ice production is critical to maintaining the quality of our local seafood as it reaches the marketplace.”

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CCHD Court Washington-Based Seafood Buyers Though Space On Citizens Dock Is Limited

Thumbnail: Crescent City Harbor commissioners are working with two seafood buyers who hope to lease hoists on Citizens Dock. | Photo courtesy of the Crescent City Harbor District

Crescent City Harbor commissioners are hoping to accommodate two Washington-based seafood buyers who submitted competing letters of intent to take over hoists Global Quality Foods had operated on Citizens Dock.

Commissioner Rick Shepherd, a long-time commercial fisherman, told representatives with Fathom Seafoods, of Tacoma, and Ocean Gold Seafoods, of Westport, that he hoped they could split the two hoists Global Quality Foods once operated.

“That would be the ultimate,” he said last week. “And it would only be for this winter and maybe next winter and the winter after next. Then you would [have] a permanent hoist with trucks being able to go right up to it. A state-of-the-art hoist on land instead of out on the dock.”

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CCHD Commissioners Allow Pacific Seafood To Keep Hoist, Building Leases Despite Ice Plant Controversy

Thumbnail: Harbor Commissioners last week decided against terminating hoist and building leases with Pacific Seafood despite the company’s decision in October to cease operating the ice plant. | Photo by Paul Critz

Though they terminated one buyer’s lease due to delinquent rent, Crescent City Harbor commissioners decided against doing the same for Pacific Seafood despite their harbormaster’s concerns with the way they’ve conducted business lately.

In his staff report, Harbormaster Mike Rademaker had recommended terminating the processor’s building and hoist leases due to delinquent rent. At a Harbor District meeting last week, he said Pacific Seafood submitted a $43,000 check, thereby “curing the default,” but he still had concerns.

For one thing, the harbormaster said, the processor isn’t using one of the three hoists it leases. There’s a stipulation in their hoist lease with the Harbor District that 14-days of non-use could be viewed as breaching their contract. Rademaker also brought up Pacific Seafood’s decision in October to cease operating the ice plant at the end of Citizens Dock. The processor pulled their equipment out of the building in November.

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Harbor District Tour Uncovers Challenges With Whaler Island Groin And Sea Level Rise

Thumbnail photo: Moffatt & Nichol representative Younes Nouri discusses the Citizens Dock and seawall reconstruction projects during a tour of Crescent City Harbor property on Wednesday. | Photo by Jessica Cejnar Andrews

Though their tour of the Crescent City Harbor District meant to show its potential, Mike Bahr and Younes Nouri delivered unwelcome news on Wednesday — the port lost out on FEMA disaster dollars to shore up the storm-ravaged Whaler Island Groin.

Despite showing the federal agency images of damage the groin took during severe storms in January 2023, FEMA officials declined the Harbor District’s request for disaster assistance, saying the district couldn’t show enough records that it had maintained the structure before the storm, according to Nouri, project manager and coastal engineer with Moffatt & Nichol.

“They want to see what it looked like before that storm happened and then what it looked like after,” he said. “It’s like an insurance adjuster.”

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Crescent City Harbor Workshop, Tour To Focus On Development Opportunities

Thumbnail photo by Amanda Dockter

Two weeks into their renewed contract with the Crescent City Harbor District, representatives of Community System Solutions will lead a workshop and a tour of the port on Wednesday.

CSS representatives will be joined by Moffat & Nichol project managers and Steve Opp, managing director for Commercial Real Estate Development Enterprises, or CREDE.

The workshop’s goal is to provide commissioners and the public a “complete overview” of the construction projects underway at the harbor and to help the Harbor District Board figure out how to spend $1 million in leftover federal Hazard Mitigation Grant Program dollars.

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‘The State Won’t Work With You’; Long-time Shrimper Says Lack of Infrastructure Is Forcing Fleet, Processors Out of California

Thumbnail photo courtesy of the Crescent City Harbor District

Randy Smith says he understands why Pacific Seafood shuttered its facilities in Crescent City and Eureka.

The same regulations the Clackamas, Ore.-based processor gave as its reasoning for abandoning Humboldt and Del Norte counties have also forced Smith and other local fishermen to land their catch elsewhere.

Smith, owner of the Mistasea and member of the Crescent City Commercial Fisherman’s Marketing Association, the California Dungeness Task Force and, up until last year, the Newport, Oregon Board of Shrimp Producers, said he bought a house in Oregon about two years ago because “I’m up there more.” The harbors in California are a place to park a boat and do some repairs, he said, but there’s no infrastructure anymore.

“You can’t blame Pacific Seafood for doing what they did,” said Smith, whose father was one of the first fishermen to work with the company when its CEO opened the Eureka processing facility about 39 years ago. “You don’t know how many pots you’ll get to fish with and you don’t know when you’re going to get to fish…. The state won’t work with you and Fish and Game won’t work with you.”

Continue reading ‘The State Won’t Work With You’; Long-time Shrimper Says Lack of Infrastructure Is Forcing Fleet, Processors Out of California