We know your news feed is already filled with posts about COVID-19, but this one’s different! We have a project underway, and we think you’ll like it.
Along with providing news and highlighting moments in our community, Redwood Voice has always been about narrative. We want to know your stories, and we want to be able to share them! College of the Redwoods Professor of English Ruth Rhodes reached out to us with a brilliant idea and in our deliberations through a few Zoom meetings (of course), we’ve partnered up to make it a reality: “My Corona Comic Book!”

You can find the children-specific version of this project here, which was designed by Ruth Rhodes. It works especially well as a fun assignment for students in distanced learning programs, or even if you just have a child around with a lot of creative energy they need to let out!
More updates and developments will be coming out between now and the time of submission, June 19th. We have a lot in store, and a lot of excitement. We’re looking forward to not only all of the creative opportunities to come from this project, but also all of your wonderful submissions!